Unbelief Enemy Of Breakthrough

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Unbelief Enemy Of Breakthrough. A reason, if not the reason, any church or person cannot enter into their promise is not believing. What does this mean? What is it we don’t believe? How do we know what we do not believe? How do we correct unbelief to get our breakthrough? Unbelief Enemy Of Breakthrough Audio …

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Praying In Tongues Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Praying In Tongues. Tongues should be a part of a New Testament church service. Of course, it’s not in most churches. Why do the Scriptures teach us to speak, pray, and sing in the Holy Spirit? Scriptures teach two types of people – those who hear the word and do nothing with the word they …

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Church Friendship & Participation

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Church Friendship & Participation. If relationships are not quickly developed when people begin attending church they will soon begin to despise things in their heart and will leave. Being outside of the body of Christ is a dangerous place to be. It’s where a person is the most vulnerable. There are things a participator and …

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Prisoners Of Unforgiveness Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Prisoners Of Unforgiveness. In the parable, Jesus told about forgiveness there were two people who went into bondage. When we refuse to forgive we go into bondage, and we can keep others out of the kingdom. Children Dedicated To The Lord Audio Matthew 18:1818 “Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall …

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Children Dedicated To The Lord Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Children Dedicated To The Lord. If it was important for Jesus to be presented to the Lord then it’s important for us to present our children to the Lord. Names mean something more than a noun meant to separate one person from another. Children Dedicated To The Lord Audio Luke 2:21 And when eight days …

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Grace Of God Audio Teaching

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Grace Of God Audio. What is the Grace of God? We are saved by it, but if we don’t understand it or know what it is we don’t really know how salvation works or if we’re truly saved by grace. I find most people confuse God’s grace with God’s mercy. They are two totally different …

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Hearing The Voice Of God Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Hearing The Voice Of God. We have a talking God. This is a difference between our God and the god others serve. There are two reasons we don’t have a talking relationship with God. 1) We are taught God doesn’t talk today. God talks from Genesis to Revelation. He Talks! 2) We don’t want Him …

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Relevant Church Services Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Relevant Church Services Audio. What are we doing in our church meetings and why are we doing it? A church service is supposed to equip the saints (Eph 4:8, 11-16). Most churches are preaching centers and not equipping centers. Are our meetings/services attracting the lost? Relevant Services Audio Audio Matthew 7:21-23 21 “Not everyone who …

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Waging War With Prophecy Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Waging War With Prophecy. Though prophecy is not apprehended today, it is Scriptural. When blessed enough to receive this from a person with this gift what should we do with it? We discuss this in this message. Faith works corporately. We need to know what the Lord has spoken to those around us. Is the …

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Friendship Before Function Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Friendship Before Function. Before we can go make disciples we must become friends with the people we are attempting to win to Jesus. People became friends of Jesus before they became converts to Christ. The church was birthed out of friendship, not religion. We have lost the art of personal evangelism. Friendship Before Function Audio …

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