How Vision Works Audio

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How Vision Works. Ever wonder what makes any vision work? This is a message about the vision of the church where I was lead pastor for 30 years. We were given a prophecy. We set our focus on it and saw how it affected our city. I believe it will bless and inspire any church …

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Lord Of Hosts Sermon Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Lord Of Hosts. We need to stop asking God to ally with us. We need to hear the captain of the Lord’s host and ally with Him. The Hebrew word for host is found 481 times in the Old Testament. For successful warfare, there must be a cutting away of the past life for warfare. …

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Be Strong And Of Good Courage Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Be Strong And Of Good Courage. The Lord told Joshua this three times within four sentences. 1) Be a servant. 2) Realize your calling. 3) Meditate on the Word of God every day. If we don’t know enough of the Word of God we will not succeed. We will not be strong and of good …

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It Is Time To Fight Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

It Is Time To Fight. The church is here to fight. There are powers and principalities in heavenly places. These principalities hinder our answered prayers from getting to us. The problem is not the Lord hearing and answering our prayers. The problem is getting the prayer through the principalities to us. It Is Time To …

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You Must Be Born Again Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

You Must Be Born Again. How could Nicodemus be born again before Jesus died, i.e. before the cross, i.e. before it was possible to be born again in Jesus Christ? Nicodemus was a very Scriptural person. He was very conservative. We would see him today as a very knowledgeable, religious teacher/preacher. Nicodemus didn’t understand what …

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Portrait Of A Fool Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Portrait Of A Fool. Greed makes us morons. There is an eternal effect to greed. We are to beware of greed. It will get into our souls, our souls will be required of us, and then who will own what we thought more important than God? It’s interesting God requires our souls. What are we …

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Dealing With False Teachers Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Dealing With False Teachers. Dealing With False Teachers. In 1 Timothy Apostle Paul instructs on how a person “ought to conduct himself in the household of God.” He wrote about many problems a church has – strange doctrines, calling, prayer, women, leadership, apostasy, and groups in the church. (This is a very short teaching. (Something …

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Slander And Backbiting Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Slander And Backbiting. We’ve all caught ourselves in a conversation unintentionally talking about a brother or sister in Christ. What do we do? We become convicted and know we did wrong. We take a look at this straight from the Scriptures. Slander And Backbiting Audio John 13:34-35 34 A new commandment I give unto you, …

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What Doth Hinder Me To Be Baptized Audio

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

What Doth Hinder Me To Be Baptized. It is important to be able to receive ministry from people who do not look like us or think like us. It’s sometimes difficult for white folk to receive ministry from black folk. However, we have been made one in Christ. God does love the Jew, but He …

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Contagious Christian Part 6 Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Contagious Christian Part 6. There are 4 steps of faith involved in helping someone cross the line of faith. These are 1) access readiness, 2) pray, 3) celebrate, and 4) take the next step. Everyone responds differently. Encourage them to become involved with other believers. Encourage the person to read the Scriptures. Talk to them …

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