Marriage Bed Sex Part 2 Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Marriage Bed Sex Part 2 Audio. Sex is a part of life. Humanity continued because of sex. However, life is more than marriage, marriage is more than sex, and sex is more than physical. Sex is related to other areas of life. It has the ability to change attitudes. It has the ability to open …

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Marriage Bed Sex Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Marriage Bed Sex audio. To God the marriage bed is clean, undefiled, and honorable. What do the Scriptures say about sex in marriage? Some things in life cost us everything. A successful marriage is one of those things. Marriage Bed Sex Audio Marriage Bed Sex Audio Teaching Scriptures Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is to be held …

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Why Cry We Are Blessed Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Why Cry We Are Blessed. Angels asked Mary why she was weeping. Jesus asked her why she was weeping. He spoke her name and the weeping stopped. Jesus is speaking our names. Jesus told His disciples as the Father sent Him so send I you. Why Cry We Are Blessed Audio John 20:11-16 11 But …

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Cast Out Demons Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Cast Out Demons Audio – Every Christ follower will encounter demons. The evil spirit will attempt to dominate. When it faces authority it will attempt to take control. Jesus never made a spectacle of a demon-possessed person. Cast Out Demons Audio Cast Out Demons Audio Mark 16:15-17 15 And He said to them, “Go into …

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Missions Witnessing Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Missions Witnessing – “Missions” is not a Scriptural/Biblical term. The Scriptural term is “witness.” The Greek word used for witness means martyr. Jesus didn’t tell his disciples to only talk to people about Him. He told them to give their lives for this thing. Missions Witnessing Audio Missions Witnessing Acts 1:8 but you will receive …

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Making Decisions Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Making Decisions, everybody must do it. Multitudes make serious choices every day. You and I make multitudes of serious decisions during our lives. How do we make good decisions? I think we can. Making Decisions Audio Some Making Decisions Audio Joel 3:14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of [decision! For the day of the Lord is near in …

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Making A Memorial Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Making A Memorial Audio- The Lord encourages us to remember and have memorials. He is the God of yesterday, today, and forever. What is it He wants us to remember and make a memorial? Charismatics tend to throw out the baby with the bathwater. We’ve forgotten our memorials. Making A Memorial Audio Some Making A …

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Water Baptism And Epiphany Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Water Baptism And Epiphany – This act is an ordinance. It’s an order or command, not a suggestion. The Lord instituted it for unity – to bring us into one body. However, man’s doctrine has used it to divide. What does baptism do? Why do I need it? Who is baptism for? What is the …

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Advent Coming Of Jesus Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Advent Coming Of Jesus – We celebrate Advent and usually think about the baby Jesus coming. However, there is the last Advent and the last coming of the Lord will be very similar to His Ascension. The last coming is definite. It’s personal. It’s physical. It will not be in type or spiritual. Advent Coming …

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Gold Girls and Glory Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Gold Girls and Glory. Frequently we hear things about ministries such as embezzlement, fornication, homosexuality, all evil things. This is nothing new. There’s always been bad ministry. Paul said vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor. Jesus called them wolves in sheep’s clothing. Know them that labor among you. Bad ministry likes gold, girls, and …

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