Acts Chapters 1-2 Study

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Acts Chapters 1-2 Study is a short study looking at the few days Jesus spent with His disciples after the resurrection and what Jesus told them. Then we take a look at the Ascension of Christ and the events immediately following. Finally, we investigate the Day of Pentecost. What an amazing day it was! There …

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Acts Chapter 2 Part 2 Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Acts Chapter 2 Part 2. An amazing truth is it never says the apostles or the 120 people all spoke in 15 different languages. The miracle is people from 15 different countries HEARD them speak in their native languages. No place does the Scriptures teach the Holy Spirit gives us a foreign language we never …

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Acts Chapter 2 Part 1 Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Acts Chapter 2 Part 1. After 3 years of college with Jesus as the professor and a 40-day crash course on the kingdom Jesus told His disciples they still needed something. They needed the power of the Holy Spirit to be witnesses unto/for Him. On the day of Pentecost, the power came. The people were …

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Acts Chapter 1 Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Acts Chapter 1. Luke, a doctor and a historian, wrote this book/treatise for a dignitary named Theophilus whose name means “lover of God.” We never know who will be affected by the things we write. Two thousand years later we today are affected by the writings of Luke. The emphasis of the Book of Acts …

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