Temple Of Solomon Table Of Shewbread

Temple Of Solomon Study Audio

Temple Of Solomon. The Table Of Shewbread was precious and speaks of a precious time of fellowship with the Lord. Bread and wine were always present. Jesus said to have the table of the Lord as oft as we will. Temple Of Solomon Table Of Shewbread Audio I apologize for the audio quality. Exodus 25:23-30 …

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Temple Of Solomon Pillars Audio

Temple Of Solomon Study Audio

Temple Of Solomon Pillars – We are the temple and house of God. We’re where God lives – the household of God. The temple has pillars. We each have these in our lives, but also we each are a pillar both in the house of God and in the lives of others. Temple Of Solomon …

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Temple Of Solomon 8 Porch Audio

Temple Of Solomon Study Audio

Temple Of Solomon 8 Porch speaks of a foyer area where we pass from an outer court relationship with God into a holy place relationship. We go beyond the fundamental teachings and understandings into a much deeper apprehension of God. Temple Of Solomon 8 Porch Audio Temple Of Solomon 8 Porch Teaching Scriptures 1 Chronicles …

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Temple Of Solomon 7 Brazen Sea Audio

Temple Of Solomon Study Audio

Temple Of Solomon 7 Brazen Sea speaks of water baptism and the washing of the water by the Word. This was made for the priest to wash before ascending the steps. Of course, we are the temple in the New Testament. All the temple elements speak of aspects that should be built and utilized in …

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Temple Of Solomon 6 – Altar Audio

Temple Of Solomon Study Audio

Temple Of Solomon 6 – Altar was the largest piece of furniture in the temple. It was huge and the first thing people saw when entering. The cross of Christ is the largest event to ever come into this world. It should be the largest and first thing anyone sees when they come into our …

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Temple Of Solomon 5 – Courts Audio

Temple Of Solomon Study Audio

Temple Of Solomon 5 – Courts. The temple had an outer court area where people gathered. We, the temple of God, have court areas. It speaks of the people who gather in our lives. Also, the courts have gates. The Tabernacle of Moses had one gate, i.e. the Jew. However, the Temple of Solomon had …

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Temple Of Solomon 4 – Walls Audio

Temple Of Solomon Study Audio

Temple Of Solomon 4 – Walls. First we are given measurements. We must have measurements/boundaries in our lives. Then there are windows. We need light, vision, and ventilation in our lives. We are told about the stones. These were nothing but rock. The hewers went and molded them. They gave them purpose. Temple Of Solomon …

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Temple Of Solomon 3 Foundations Audio

Temple Of Solomon Study Audio

Temple Of Solomon 3 Foundations.  In the Scriptures, there were foundations plural. For the temple, the size was 18 feet by 18 feet. The Cornerstone was set first. Everything aligned with the foundation. Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone. Temple Of Solomon 3 Foundation Audio Temple Of Solomon 3 Foundations 1 Kings 5:15-17 15 And …

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Temple Of Solomon 2 Where To Build

Temple Of Solomon Study Audio

Temple Of Solomon 2 Where To Build. The Lord told David not to build the temple because David was a bloody man. The next generation, Solomon, would build the temple. God has a generation who will move from dead doctrine into the Mount of God. Temple Of Solomon 2 Where To Build Audio Temple Of …

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Temple Of Solomon 1 David’s Vision Audio

Temple Of Solomon Study Audio

Temple Of Solomon 1 David’s Vision – There are 5 divine structures in the Scriptures: the Ark of Noah; the Tabernacle of Moses; the Tabernacle of David; the Temple of Solomon; and the New Jerusalem. These show the moving of God as He moved/moves through the ages with His people. The primary purpose of each …

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