Divine Appointments and Connections Series: The Unexpected

Divine Appointments and Connections Series: The Unexpected. Life often presents us with seemingly random encounters that turn into life-changing connections. These unexpected meetings, upon reflection, reveal themselves as divinely orchestrated events. God’s plans for our lives, as promised in Jeremiah 29:11-13, unfold through these supernatural appointments. Rather than forcing connections, we’re encouraged to recognize and embrace these effortless, God-arranged encounters. These divine appointments guide us toward our destiny, connecting us with people who open doors to God’s best plans for our lives. Simultaneously, we’re protected from harmful connections that could lead us astray. Trusting in God’s orchestration allows us to navigate life’s unexpected turns with faith and purpose.


Divine Appointments and Connections sermon series video audio notes

Divine Appointments and Connections Series: The Unexpected

by Delbert Young

Divine Appointments and Connections Plans for You – sermon video audio notes

There are Divine Appointments and Connections. Jeremiah 29:11-13 For I know the PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU, declares the LORD, PLANS TO prosper you and not to harm you, PLANS TO give you hope and a FUTURE. Realizing the Lord God has divine plans for us will cause our faith to rise. You and I should know there are supernatural plans already in place for us, also. God promises us he has already made plans for our futures.

Don’t Force Appointments or Connections – sermon video audio notes

If you will look back at your life and evaluate the major events you believe were divine appointments and connections, you will see you did not need to force anything. It simply effortlessly happened. It’s because the Lord caused it to happen. It was in his plans for you. When you understand God does have divine connections and appointments, you won’t need to struggle and attempt to manipulate or force appointments or connections.

People You Should Meet and People You Should Miss – sermon video audio notes

determine your future and destiny. We want and need to meet those who will help direct us to the doors God has for us and help keep us on God’s best roads and plans for our lives. We want and need to miss those who will help cause us to go through the wrong doors and down the wrong roads leading to destruction, bad experiences, hurt, and demonic connections. There are people you should miss.

Divine Appointments and Connections

Divine Appointments and Connections

Divine Appointments and Connections

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Sermons Change The World

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