Favor of God Series: How to Cultivate a Favor-Filled Life explores the concept of God’s favor as a blessing available to all believers. Pastor Delbert Young teaches that God’s favor manifests as special advantages and preferential treatment in our lives. To cultivate this favor, we should expect it daily, declare it through prayer, and recognize it in divine connections and unexpected help from others. Even in troubled times, like Job, we can speak God’s favor over our circumstances. The series encourages believers to look for “handfuls on purpose” – blessings God has prepared in advance – as we navigate life’s challenges.
Favor of God Series: How to Cultivate a Favor-Filled Life
by Delbert Young
Favor of God Series: How to Cultivate a Favor-Filled Life video audio notes
Expect God’s Favor – sermon video audio notes
5 Expect God’s Favor
Expect God’s Favor (3,354 YouTube views) If you were literally spending a day with Jesus, you would expect some unique things to happen.
Firstly, you wouldn’t fear anything. After all, you would expect God’s favor. Indeed, if you are walking with Jesus, you’d expect to receive preferential treatment. Expect God’s favor and walk in it by declaring it. When you pray, pray the favor of God upon your life. Let us begin by explaining what I mean by “God’s Favor.” God’s Favor is when God causes people to desire to become problem solvers in your life, and they do – divine connections. God’s Favor is when unexpected people express an attitude of goodness toward you. For no apparent reason, they go out of their way to help you obtain something you need or want.
Favor in the Middle of Trouble – sermon video audio notes
9 Favor in the Middle of Trouble
Favor in the Middle of Trouble (2,346 YouTube views) – Job 10:12 THOU HAST GRANTED ME LIFE AND FAVOR, and thy visitation hath preserved my spirit. Job said he didn’t understand why this was going on and could not understand why trouble happened to him, but one thing he did know. Job knew divine favor was coming to him. Favor was on its way. Job spoke God’s favor in the middle of his mess. No wonder God’s favor restored double.
Favor of God Sermon Series video audio notes
Finding God’s Favor, Handfuls on Purpose – sermon video audio notes
Handfuls on Purpose – Exactly as with Ruth, God has already left you handfuls on purpose in your future. In your future, as you glean up your rows of life, God already has waiting for you handfuls on purpose – handfuls of good stuff, handfuls of promotions, handfuls of healing, handfuls of wisdom, handfuls of opportunities, handfuls of divine connections. Handfuls on purpose are out in front of you, waiting for you to arrive.
Favor of God Series: How to Cultivate a Favor-Filled Life
Favor of God Series: How to Cultivate a Favor-Filled Life
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