Kingdom of God sermon video

Kingdom of God sermon video. We will look at scripture after scripture showing that the kingdom of God was in existence on earth before Jesus came, is in existence this very moment on earth, and it will be on earth after we are gone. Additionally, I give you 20-30 scripture references (which in no way will exhaust the scriptures we could use). Hopefully, by the end of the lesson, you will say, We really are living in the kingdom of God today.

Kingdom of God sermon video

By Pastor Delbert Young


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The Kingdom of God sermon video

Scriptures: Luke 4:43, Acts 1:3, Matthew 6:9-10, Psalms 145:13, Daniel 7:13-14, Matthew 3:2, Matthew 3:7, Matthew 3:10-12, Luke 16:16, Matthew 11:12, Matthew 23:13, Matthew 21:43, Matthew 24:34, Matthew 16:28, Mark 9:1, Luke 11:20, Matthew 16:19, Matthew 21:31, Matthew 13:19, Luke 17:20-21, Romans 14:17, John 3:3, John 3:5, Luke 12:32, Colossians 1:13, Revelation 1:9, Revelation 1:6, Revelation 5:10, Hebrews 12:28, Matthew 6:10

What is your passion? For example, what is the air you breathe keeping you motivated, and what is it that ignites something inside of you that nothing else does significantly? Have you ever wondered what Christ’s passion was? You might answer “people” and you’d be partially correct. But, the passion of Jesus was the kingdom. Indeed, the kingdom of God was the air he breathed. Overall, the kingdom was the major theme of Christ’s preaching. As a matter of fact, the word kingdom occurs one hundred and fourteen times in the Gospels. Specifically, there are fifty-two uses in Matthew, eighteen uses in Mark, forty-one uses in Luke, and three in John. So, we find a total of one hundred and fourteen uses in the Gospels where the teachings of Christ are given us. Jesus said,

Luke 4:43 …”I MUST preach the good news of THE KINGDOM OF GOD to the other towns also, because THAT IS WHY I WAS SENT.”

Equally important, isn’t it great to know what you were sent to this world to do? Jesus said the reason he was sent was to PREACH THE GOOD NEWS OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD! He did it well. The kingdom continued to be Christ’s passion after his resurrection.

Kingdom of God sermon video

Kingdom of God sermon video

Kingdom of God sermon video

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