Introduction Prayer Issues Not Taught

Introduction Prayer Issues Not Taught notes. My prayer life is probably different when compared to the prayer life of most people. It’s not because I just want to be different. It’s because of self-study of the Scriptures, and the pastor/teacher occupational necessity I had to Scripturally teach people about prayer. There was also application of what I learned in my personal relationship and time with the Lord, and of course, what I feel works for me. What we will discuss made my personal prayer life more Scriptural, more enjoyable, and if Scriptural and enjoyable, your prayer life will be more effective. 

Prayer Issues Not Taught

Introduction Prayer Issues Not Taught

by Delbert Young

First, there are no “secret formulas” to prayer. Don’t we all wish there was a formula! However by formulas are not how our Lord works. He, or They (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), work through faith. In prayer we are to have faith and believe we are actually talking to God Himself and believing He hears us and will talk back to us. If you believe this oddity then you’re walking by faith. Do you remember the very first time you ever seriously prayed? For me, it was a little difficult to simply get the first word out of my mouth. I had to believe I was talking to someone I could not see.

So prayer is simply talking to Father God by faith. You talk to the Father regularly already, or you should be doing this regularly. However, there are some let’s say “additives” to prayer we can do. I believe these additives will make our personal prayer life more effective and enhance your relationship with the Father.

Don’t pattern your prayer life after anyone. For this reason I call it personal prayer life which is in contrast to corporate prayer. I won’t be talking about praying in public. We’ll talk about our personal alone time with the Lord. I’ll help open some Scriptures for you, but you must study what the Scriptures teach you about prayer. The Lord will speak to you through His Word. Apply what you learn and see what works for you. Prayer should not be drudgery no more than sitting down and having a talk with your dad, or a close trusted friend is drudgery.

What Can I Teach You?

With this said, what about prayer can I possibly discuss with you, or show you, already don’t know or maybe received teaching? What could there possibly be concerning prayer you might not already know? I’ll list a few thoughts I have, and these thoughts I seldom, if ever, hear taught.

A Few Thoughts


The first thing Jesus taught about praying was “Closet prayer.” He said, “when you pray, enter into your closet, shut the door, and pray…” What did He mean by “closet”? It must be important if it’s the first thing Jesus mentioned about prayer, and if it’s where Jesus began teaching about prayer, it will be a good place for us to begin.


The Lord Jesus was very specific about to whom we address our prayers. What I mean is are we addressing God, the Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, Jehovah, one of the over one hundred names of God in the Scriptures, etc.? Who do we specifically talk to when praying?


Jesus said, “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking” (Matthew 6:7). So repetition prayer is bad, right? Not necessarily.


The apostle Paul said, “We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express” (Romans 8:26).

Paul also said, “For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful” (1 Corinthians 14:14). Then he said, “What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also (1 Corinthians 14:15). What did Paul mean?

How about this Scripture “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests (Ephesians 6:18)? What is praying in the Spirit? What did Paul mean when saying, “all kinds of prayers”? Is there more than one kind of prayer?


Let’s read the Scripture where Jesus said this so you will know what I mean.

Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED IT, and it will be yours.

Jesus assured us if we believe that we have received it when we pray then it will happen, but how is it done? Jesus said there is and when accomplished you can cast mountains into the sea.

6- Are there things WE CAN DO THAT WILL HINDER OUR PRAYERS from being answered?

If a person is a diligent believer and knows all there is to know about prayer could they be doing something hindering the Lord’s answering their prayers? If there are things we can do to hinder our prayers then what are they?

Are You Ready?

These are six, I believe important, topics we don’t hear much about in prayer teachings. To me they are vital prayer principles. I apply what I’ll share about them into my personal prayer life. It’s not so much I was taught these principles through someone’s teachings as they are points I saw over my 30-40 years of studying Scriptures daily as a pastor. Also I’d like to think the Holy Spirit unveiled them to me to practice and to show others. I pray they help you in your personal prayer life and relationship with our God, i.e. the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Are you Ready to begin?

Introduction Prayer Issues Not Taught notes

Introduction Prayer Issues Not Taught notes

Introduction Prayer Issues Not Taught notes

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