Locking and Unlocking the Tongue: How to Unlock Blessings

Locking and Unlocking the Tongue: How to Unlock Blessings explores the profound impact of our words on our lives. Drawing from Psalm 141:3, Pastor Delbert Young emphasizes the need for divine guidance in controlling our speech. Our tongues have the power to shape our destinies, bringing either destruction or triumph. By learning to guard our mouths, we can unlock blessings, build faith, and overcome obstacles. This sermon series delves into the connection between our hearts and our words, revealing how our speech reflects our true character. It also addresses the dangers of gossip and the transformative power of positive speech, using biblical examples like David’s confrontation with Goliath to illustrate the impact of our words.


By Pastor Delbert Young

Locking and Unlocking the Tongue sermon series video audio notes

Locking and Unlocking the Tongue: How to Unlock Blessings

Set a Guard on My Mouth – video audio notes

Ask God to set a guard on my mouth. Death and life are in your tongue. Your tongue will bring your most horrific nightmares or your greatest victories. It will give you direction, self-confidence, and great faith. It will work the impossible, remove obstacles, and bring you miraculous provisions. Do not allow it to bring judgment and condemnation. It’s in the Locking and Unlocking the Tongue sermon series.

Your Heart and Your Mouth – video audio notes

Jesus said, For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Words from your mouth reveal your true identity. Words actually paint a picture of your heart – character, motives, desires, thoughts, dreams, hates, loves, etc. The tongue is the hinge upon which everything in the personality turns. I can listen to you talk for a few minutes and know your personality temperament. It’s in the Locking and Unlocking the Tongue sermon series.

Gossip and the Sick Mind – video audio notes

We usually think of a boasting tongue as negative, but this is not necessarily true. It can be wonderful. I can’t think along the terms of a boasting tongue and not think about David and the giant, Goliath. We all heard how David went to face his giant of a problem with only a sling and five stones. This is not accurate. First, David used the weapon of his tongue to direct the course of his situation. LOCKING AND UNLOCKING THE TONGUE It’s in the Locking and Unlocking the Tongue sermon series.

The Wonderful Boasting Tongue – video audio notes

Gossip and the Sick Mind – (4, 988 YouTube views) Romans 1:28-30 teaches there is something wrong with the mind of people who gossip and slander. They have depraved minds. The King James’ version says reprobate minds. We don’t think in those terms because we do not want to think our own minds are depraved. Think it or not, gossip and slander are depravities. It’s in the Locking and Unlocking the Tongue sermon series.

Locking and Unlocking the Tongue: How to Unlock Blessings

Locking and Unlocking the Tongue sermon series video audio notes

Locking and Unlocking the Tongue: How to Unlock Blessings

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