The Gospel of Luke Chapter 11

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 11 video audio notes. We ministered eight messages from this chapter: Lord Teach Us To Pray pt 1, Lord Teach Us To Pray pt 2, The Friend at Midnight The Holy Spirit, Beelzebub Slander, Wicked Generation, They Got the Sign of Jonah, Religious Pharisees Clean Outside Nasty Inside, and Religious Terrorists. Do you have any idea how many times Jesus said it was His generation who was wicked? It’s not a future generation the Lord will judge with a great tribulation. It was the generation Jesus came in an attempt to save.

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 11 video audio notes

by Delbert Young

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 11 video audio notes

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 11 video audio notes

Lord Teach Us To Pray pt 1 sermon video audio notes Luke 11:1-2

One of the life lessons Jesus displayed to his disciples was to pray. He allowed them to see and observe him in prayer. Certain people should see us pray. I don’t mean standing on the corner as a Pharisaical hypocrite (Mat 6:5), but your children should see you pray. Your parents should see you pray. One of the inspirations of my life was and is watching my children pray and teaching their children to pray. Watching and listening to people you admire and respect pray is an inspiration as it was to this disciple. It’s a life lesson.

Lord Teach Us To Pray pt 2 sermon video audio notes Luke 11:1-4

I can recite The Lord’s Prayer in 15 seconds, but sometimes I get lost in prayer talking to Father God. I think that’s what the disciple witnessed when he watched Jesus pray. He wanted to experience and wanted others to experience what Jesus experienced, so he said, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’

The Friend at Midnight The Holy Spirit sermon notes Luke 11:5-13

A disciple asked Jesus to teach them to pray. Jesus taught an outline of what prayer is to consist of. After those instructions, Jesus gave this example of prayer. Suppose one of you has a friend, and he goes to him at midnight

Beelzebub Slander sermon video audio notes Luke 11:14-23

Do people slander people? Do slanderous rumors circulate like wildfire? Are poisonous, character-damaging thoughts planted by rumors and slander? Have you ever listened to a slanderous rumor? What effect did it have on you toward the person being slandered? Were you now poisoned? Sadly, there’s something about human nature that finds a sick delight in rumors unless the slanderous rumors are about them. I have learned to hate rumors and slander even if about my worst enemy. They are venomous to my mind and I already have enough poison in there.

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 11 video audio notes

Wicked Generation sermon video audio notes Luke 11:24-29

Even though Jesus was generation-specific, let’s step back and ask, How is our generation concerning wickedness? I’ve never seen such blatant vileness and wickedness. It’s the most wicked generation in recent history and becoming more wicked every day. What used to be sacred is now mocked. What used to be in the closet is openly paraded. Evil is publicized and in the name of being politically correct, our children are taught to accept, encouraged to participate, and be wicked. What was once wrong, sin, and avoided is now “cool” and embraced.

They Got the Sign of Jonah sermon video audio notes Luke 11:29-36

Because they repented the generation of Ninevites was not destroyed. That’s the sign of Jonah. Jesus was their Jonah. They got the sign of Jonah. If that wicked generation did not repent, it would be destroyed. They didn’t and were. In A.D. 70, 40 years later, Rome sent its armies and destroyed everything beginning in Galilee to Judea even burning and dismantling their religious temple. They got their sign alright. Sometimes getting a miraculous sign from heaven is not good.

Religious Pharisees Clean Outside Nasty Inside sermon video audio notes Luke 11:37-44

Jesus said your rituals are without reason. There isn’t a glimmer of intelligence in them. It’s like washing the outside of a dish, but not touching the inside. The reason they did/do these foolish things is for greed – to maintain control. They raped people by ravaging, robbing, and plundering them. This is not love. It is rape. It’s the violent act of ravaging the souls of people. Jesus spared no words

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 11 video audio notes

Religious Terrorists sermon video audio notes Luke 11:45-54

False teachers are religious terrorists and terrorists of the worst kind. What Al-Qaeda does is nothing compared to what religious terrorists destroy, do, and have done. What about us, and what about our church? Also what about me? How does Jesus see us? Do we open the door to the kingdom, or are we religious terrorists damning people to hell?

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 11 video audio notes

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 11 video audio notes

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 11 video audio notes

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