The Worth of a Mother’s Love: Thank You for My Mom

Thank You for My Mom and the Mother of My Children audio video notes. They interviewed children asking about the value of different things. A car was worth $1000.00. A house was worth $3000.00. But, Mom was worth one million dollars. An hour with Mom was worth $50.00, but to be with Mom all day was worth one million dollars. A million dollars was the largest amount in their thinking. To a child, being with a mom is priceless. If your mom is deceased then you understand this completely. Nothing would be better than to get to be with mom one more day.


By Pastor Delbert Young

Thank You for My Mom and the Mom of my Children







Thank You for My Mom and the Mother of my Children audio video notes

Scriptures: Psalms 139:13-18

I’d like to begin by wishing all of you moms a happy Mother’s Day. Whether your children are four months old or forty years old, I honor you today.

Kids Tell About a Mom’s Worth

I was watching News Channel 9 on Wednesday afternoon. They interviewed children asking about the value of different things. A car was worth $1000.00. A house was worth $3000.00. But, Mom was worth one million dollars. An hour with Mom was worth $50.00, but to be with Mom all day was worth one million dollars. A million dollars was the largest amount in their thinking. To a child, being with a mom is priceless. If your mom is deceased then you understand completely. Nothing would be better than to get to be with Mom for one day.

Psalms 139:13-18

13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,

16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!

18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you.

Thank You for My Mom and the Mother of my Children

I usually speak to you out of my life’s experience, but I’ve never been a mom. So, my validity today is I had a wonderful mom. But mostly, I’ve watched my wife, who is one of the world’s greatest moms, raise our children for 33 years. I am awed at the job she has done. Now I am watching her be a grandmother. Again, I awe. Watching her has been and is a sight to behold. One of the most amazing things to me is her ability to make a moment. She can take a seemingly simple thing and make it a memory. It’s what mothers do.


I am amazed at a mom’s ability to make every moment unique. From birthday gifts to spending the nights, from weddings to a Wednesday night supper, the mother of my children has been able to make every moment a unique experience. To me, this is one of the great works of her mothering. Moms can make every event special. Dads dabble at it and try, but moms have this great ability to make every event special.

Do you know what the leading cause of regret is in most people’s lives when they get to the end of life? It’s a failure to seize the day, a failure to be aware of the ordinary and wonderful moments filling our days. Mindful mothers try to live in the right now. Moms try to experience the “right now” for their children.

It is an event every time Jack and Max (our grandsons) come to our house. Judy has these games she plays with them that awes me. She will lay flat on the floor on her back, fold her arms to her chest, and go rolling across the floor saying, “Rolly Polly, Rolly Polly.” The grandchildren cackle with laughter and follow her lead rolling right along. She has another game where we all join hands and go walking in a circle saying, “Ring around the roses.” The point is every day is an event. Every visit is special.

Thank You for My Mom and the Mother of my Children

There’s an AT&T commercial I enjoy.

I haven’t seen it in a while, but I am certain they will run it again. The mom is a busy businesswoman and is hurrying breakfast as she is getting ready to go to work. Her children are begging her to take them to the beach. She says, “I’m sorry, I can’t kids. I have a meeting with a client.” One of her children says, “Mommy, when do we get to be the client?” She stopped in mid-thought, looked at her children, and realized that it was a ‘mother’s moment’ and said, ‘Okay. Let’s go to the beach.'”

Mothers have the power to make a moment unlike anyone else in the whole world. In these moments I have observed three affirmations given to children. I want to talk about them for a few minutes.

Three Affirmations

1. “Mama, do you see me?”

The first question is, “Mama, do you see me?” Obviously, a child is easily seen and sometimes this is too obvious. However, I am not speaking about seeing the child in the natural. Every child is born into this world as a unique and wonderful individual. Psalm 139 says God formed us in our mother’s womb. We are each fearfully and wonderfully made. Every child is different. God has gone to great lengths to form each of us. There are generations and generations put together to come up with our individual DNA. Then, amazingly, each child with the same ancestry has a unique DNA which is different from siblings with the same parents. Each person has a unique temperament. Each is fearfully and wonderfully made. It is within our mother’s womb all this is formed and put together. Guys, we will never experience this.

Thank You for My Mom and the Mother of my Children

I believe it is because of this that moms have a special ability to see the uniqueness of each child. Mom can unpack and discover the uniqueness of a child better than anyone. The unpacking of the uniqueness will always make a moment.

My mom saw my uniqueness. She saw there was something inside me different. She made certain I made decent grades in school, and she made certain I went to college. Mom would tell me I was smart and correct me when I did not do my best. She saw something in me I could not see. She handled my sister completely differently. Mom saw what was in me and she saw what was in my sister. Mama could see me. Thank you, Lord for my mom and for the mother of my children.

It was my wife who saw the potential in our children.

She saw in Lance this ability to learn and to do well intellectually. She saw in Bonnie a loving and creative ability. So she saw what was in them and helped them discover it. I thank God for my mom and for the mother of my children.

I asked both Lance and Bonnie to give me their most memorable memory of their mom. They tried and even discussed it together and neither had a “one” special memory. The reason? “There were too many.” They said they were so used to their mom being there and being a good mom having one special memory was impossible. I made them each give me one so I could share it with you today.

Finally, Lance, with tears in his eyes, gave me a 7th-grade awards day story. He was in the 7th grade and had said nothing about the awards day to his mom. He didn’t know if he would be awarded and feared he wouldn’t. Somehow his mom knew and was at the ceremony. He remembered sitting on the gem floor and looking up, and there was Mom. He was awarded and his mom was there. His dad, me, wasn’t, but his mom was. It was a Mother’s Moment making a Memory. He knew his mama saw him. I thank God for my mama and for the mother of my children.

Thank You for My Mom and the Mother of my Children

2. “Mama, do you hear me?”

The second question is, “Mama, do you hear me?” Again, it is not difficult to hear a child, but we are not talking about what anyone can hear. Moms can hear what is said and they can hear what is not said.

My mom had a way of knowing when something was wrong with me. I remember back in the late ’70s and early ’80s when I would go to mom’s after work and talk. I was a supervisor at a factory working on the 12 to 8 shift. If, for some reason, I could not make it on a specific day, Mom would call and want to know why I didn’t get over. She would pretend like it didn’t matter if I didn’t come, but I knew it meant a lot to her. I understand far better now. She wanted to be with me. She just wanted to listen to my life.

I remember one of those times when Judy and I were not doing well with our marriage. Nothing had been said to Mom about this issue when out of nowhere she asked, “So, what is wrong with you and Judy?” I asked her what she was talking about. She knew something was wrong not from what I said, but from what I did not say. She told me I had a good wife and a good home and I needed to get things corrected. It was a Mother’s Moment making a Memory. Mama could hear me. Thank you for my mom and for the mother of my children.

My wife is like this. Judy has always had this “sixth sense” thing about our kids. It became sort of eerie. It didn’t only happen once or twice. She constantly heard something not said by our kids or anyone and every time she was correct. She wasn’t listening to what they were saying as much as to what they were not saying. It always awed me how she could do this. Moms can hear.

Thank You for My Mom and the Mother of my Children

Children need their mom’s undivided attention.

I remember when Bonnie was very young. She would be talking to her mom. Judy would not be looking at Bonnie and Bonnie would take her mother’s face with her little hands and turn Judy’s face to look at Bonnie face to face. Bonnie would say, “Talkie to me.” Judy was talking, but Bonnie was saying, ‘Mama, listen to me with the front of your face.’ I watch my grandson do this to his mother Bonnie now.

Children especially need their mom to listen. I was thinking about what I said earlier about how I would stop by and talk with Mom. I never stopped by and talked with Dad. It was mom I needed to listen to me. Both our children can talk to their mom easier than they can talk to me. It’s not because they don’t love me. It’s because they need mom to listen. Thank you for my mother and thank you for the mother of my children.

Bonnie finally gave me her story about her mom.

It was about her wedding and the wedding preparations. She said her mom was so special during this time. Judy made certain her daughter’s wedding was special. Bonnie and her mom made the garter belt. Her mom made certain Bonnie had those special shoes and the dress she wanted. Her mom made certain her dad, me, understood and spent the money. It was a Mother’s Moment that became a Memory. Her mom was able to hear her. I thank God for my mother and for the mother of my children.

My mom made my wedding very special also. She made my wife’s dress. She made certain there was a celebration, and she made certain there were pictures. So she did those things moms do to make memories.

Thank You for My Mom and the Mother of my Children

3. “Mama, do you accept me?

“Mama, do you see me?” And “Mama, do you hear me?” And, “Mama, do you accept me?” There are two things I know. Those two things are Jesus and Mama always loved me, even when the devil took control. There is never any doubt about Mama accepting me. The closest thing to God’s love is a mother’s love. It is unconditional. A mother always accepts her child.

My mom knew me. She could see my strengths. She could hear my heart, and she also knew there was this wild streak in me and sometimes it would broaden like a four-lane highway. When I would do something stupid, I never once wondered if Mom would accept me and love me. Her acceptance was a Mother’s Moment and it became a Memory. I thank God for my mother and for the mother of my children.

Our children have never considered the thought their mom might not accept them and love them. They are so settled in her love and acceptance of them this thought would never enter their thinking.

Thank You for My Mom and the Mother of my Children

It’s “Mama, do you see me?” “Mama, do you hear me?” And “Mama, do you accept me?”

These become affirmations and character builders becoming memories in the lives of children. Moms answer and affirm these primary questions in the lives of children. A mom can do a lot wrong, but if she can get these three right then she has been successful and made many moments that are now eternal memories.

Thank You for My Mom and the Mother of my Children audio video notes

Thank You for My Mom and the Mother of my Children

Thank You for My Mom and the Mother of my Children audio video notes

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