Palm Sunday Sermons Page video audio notes. Here are 16 Palm Sunday sermons. As an illustration what if you knew you had less than one week to live? In fact what if this was your last Sunday? Would you do anything differently? What if You Knew You would Die Friday at 3 o’clock?
By Delbert Young
Palm Sunday Sermons Page video audio notes
Satan Entered Judas Luke 21:37-22:1-13: When Evil Serves Good
Satan entered Judas called Iscariot, one of Jesus’ twelve disciples, at a crucial moment when the chief priests were seeking a way to arrest Jesus. This event occurred as the Passover feast approached, the target date for Jesus’ crucifixion. Judas, influenced by Satan, went to the religious leaders and offered to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. He then watched for an opportunity to hand Jesus over when no crowd was present. This betrayal was part of God’s plan, as Jesus knew it would happen and took precautions to ensure the Last Supper could occur before his arrest.
Precious Blood Do You Appreciate it – Palm Sunday sermon video audio notes
What do you deem precious? If you made a list of your precious things what would you list include? Perhaps your list would include your family, your spouse, your children, or grandchildren, your health? Perhaps your list would include some of your prized possessions and wealth. To the apostle Peter, the most precious item is the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Do you appreciate the blood?
Donkey with a Destiny – Palm Sunday sermon video audio notes
As you and I carry Jesus into the lives of people, a series of events will eventually bring them to the cross of Christ and to the path of redemption. People will find the way to God and God will find the way to reach them. If Jesus could use a donkey, he can use me. I am a Donkey of Destiny.
Himself He Could Not Save – Palm Sunday sermon video audio notes
Matthew 27:42 says He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he is the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him. It wasn’t the nails holding Christ to the cross this day. It was his love for us holding him. Jesus loves you. He saved others, but HIMSELF HE COULD NOT SAVE. There was no other way.
Did Jesus Plan His Easter Service – Palm Sunday sermon video audio notes
Did Jesus plan his Easter service? An excitement about Jesus was buzzing and a mass of people followed Jesus. Interestingly, as I pondered and read, I saw Jesus made a huge deal about his ‘Palm Sunday,’ a parade. He planned it all!
Palm Sunday Sermons Page sermons video audio notes
How Much is God’s Christ Worth to Me – Palm Sunday sermon video audio
Mary believed Jesus was more precious than anything imaginable. She had no possession more valuable than God’s Christ. She was willing to pour out her alabaster jar of perfume and humiliate herself in front of anyone for Jesus. The indignation of others mattered not to Mary. God’s Christ was worth everything to Mary. When we come to a place where Jesus is worth everything, we don’t care what people think. We will kneel on the floor and worship.
I Am the Bread of Life – Palm Sunday sermon video audio notes
Jesus jabbed the hornets’ nest. He was messing with Moses. Jesus said the bread their forefathers received under Moses was not the true bread from heaven. Father was now giving them the true bread from heaven. Jesus didn’t come to give bread. Jesus came to be bread. The bread of God is a person, a HE, not some manna morsel.”Jesus declared, ‘I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE.
I see Grace part 1 – Palm Sunday sermon video audio notes
What do you see? I see grace. I don’t see laws, regulations, animal sacrifices, temple worship; etc. so God will tolerate me. All this ended the night of the last Passover and the first Communion. You and I live in the dispensation -administration – of the GRACE of God. The body of Jesus Christ, the blood of Jesus Christ, the New Testament is not about laws and animal sacrifices and rituals and Sabbaths. It’s about the grace of God.
Palm Sunday Sermons Page sermons video audio notes
Blood and Mysteries of Palm Sunday – sermon video audio notes
Jesus tore apart everything separating you from God. His blood took away the mysteries and darkness of our accessing God. We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. However, you can come boldly unto the throne of grace, so you may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Jesus removed the mysteries on Palm Sunday.
Cross Proofed – Palm Sunday sermon video audio notes
Nothing in human history was as cruel, painful, humiliating, and showed the degradation of humanity as execution performed crucifixion style. At the same time, nothing in human history ever accomplished as much as the execution performed crucifixion style on Jesus of Nazareth. We’ve all heard about it, but did it really happen? Was the crucifixion of Jesus authentic, or a part of a fabricated fairy tale made up to propagate the biggest lie ever in human history? Let’s take a look so you can say you PROOFED the cross.
Remember Me this Way – Palm Sunday sermon video audio notes
Jesus chose Communion as his memorial. Of all the ways he could have to remember him, the one way he said to remember him is with Communion. Jesus said REMEMBER ME THIS WAY. Some call it “The Eucharist,” which means gratefulness and thanksgiving. Some reference it as “The Lord’s Table.” Jesus said it’s remembering him.
The Thorn – Palm Sunday sermon video audio notes
I was, and sometimes still am, the thorn to Jesus, but Jesus said he wouldn’t cast me away. He’d bear me. I’m The Thorn in his crown. You are The Thorn in his crown. Jesus went all the way back to your very first sin and carried it on his head so you would not have to. Painful as it was, you’re his crown and he died for you. I am the thorn in Christ’s crown.
Palm Sunday Sermons Page sermons video audio notes
This Man – Palm Sunday sermon video audio notes
They all had a problem saying the name of THIS MAN. There is something about saying the name Jesus. They projected THIS MAN as incidental, insignificant, an impostor, unimportant, and scum. Though Jesus changed lives and families, delivered people from bondage, healed multitudes, and taught mercy, love, and kindness, he was projected as simply ‘THIS MAN.’
What if You Knew You Would Die Friday at 3 o’clock – Palm Sunday sermon
As an illustration what if you knew you had less than one week to live? In fact what if this was your last Sunday? Would you do anything differently? What if You Knew You would Die Friday at 3 o’clock?
WHY? – Palm Sunday sermon video audio notes
There are so many questions in life that do not have clear answers. In the first place, why is there so much pain in this world? Equally important why is there so much divorce? Of course, why is there so much abuse? Furthermore, why do so many good people die young? I wonder if you ever felt like Jesus must have felt on a cross when he cried out, My God, my God, WHY???
Nailed To The Cross – audio
Jesus not only did away with sin, he did away with, i.e. crucified the thing accusing you of sin. There was a great exchange. We are able to exchange our old lives for a new life. Also, He set up a maintenance program for our sins. Plus, He came to give us a full life.
Through The Cross Audio
We have not come to a natural mountain where Moses received the Law and Commandments. We have come to Mount Zion and a better covenant. We’ve come to the New Jerusalem, and to just men made perfect. We’ve already come to a lot we are taught we will go to one day.
Palm Sunday Sermons Page sermons video audio notes
Palm Sunday Sermons Page sermons video audio notes
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