David the King Series: How to Pursue God’s Heart

David the King Series: How to Pursue God’s Heart explores the life of King David, a man after God’s own heart, offering timeless lessons on maintaining a close relationship with God. This series examines David’s journey from shepherd to king, highlighting his triumphs and failures. It covers topics such as facing giants, dealing with enemies, navigating royal challenges, and overcoming personal temptations. The series emphasizes David’s ability to keep or quickly restore his heart for God, regardless of circumstances. It also addresses leadership, family dynamics, and national responsibility. Through David’s experiences, listeners learn how to pursue God’s heart in various life situations, from victories to failures, and ultimately leave a lasting legacy of faith.

David the King Series: How to Pursue God’s Heart

by Delbert Young

David the King Sermon Series sermon videos audios notes. David the King sermon series - Though I did this series years ago, it remains one of my favorites. Here's why.

David the King Series: How to Pursue God’s Heart

A Heart for God – sermon video audio notes

Amazingly, no matter what the experience, emotion, or sin, David kept a heart for God, or, he repented quickly to get back a heart for God! To me, that’s why so much is written in the scriptures about David. God is saying to you and me, learn from David. If you will, you will learn how to keep a heart for God, your heart right toward God, toward people, toward your family, toward your friends, and toward yourself. You can be a person after God’s

Who’s Your Giant? sermon video audio notes

David referenced Goliath twice but referenced God nine times – 9 to 2 or over 4 times more. David’s real giant was God. Who’s your giant? Do you bring the giant living God into your battle scene? If you do, you become the giant. On which do you focus, your giant God or your giant problem? What’s the ratio between them? On what you focus will bring you a giant defeat, or give you a giant victory. David knew, as do we, that there must be a reward if he took out Goliath. What is it?

David the King Series: How to Pursue God’s Heart

A Covenant Friend – sermon video audio notes

God will counteract Saul’s raging in your world with a covenant friend – the friendship of a Jonathan. You also find who your real friends are in your Saul times. Hold onto your Jonathan. He will sacrifice for you. Also, He will defend you. Moreover, He will let you be yourself no matter how ‘yourself’ looks. Furthermore, He will encourage you. The Lord Jesus can be your real covenant friend. He will give you everything but does expect in return your love, service, and loyalty.

Crutch Removing – sermon video audio notes

It’s amazing how life can take a sudden turn. One day, you are on top of the world, walking around with Goliath’s head in your hand. The next day, it’s your head that is wanted. In the short space of a few years, David went from a shepherd boy to a superhero to the top of the 10 Most Wanted criminals list. God was doing some crutch removal.

David the King Series: How to Pursue God’s Heart

The Cave Adullam – sermon video audio notes

David is at his lowest place in life to this point. Remember when you were at that place? It seemed there was no hope anything would change anytime soon. Where did you run? The bottle? The pills? The snort? The joint? A woman? A man? Porn? Did you go crazy for a while? Were you sort of a basket case – quivering, rolling, drooling? One day, you woke up in a dead sea cave asking, “What do I do now?” That’s Cave Adullam.

Mercy or Vengeance – sermon video audio notes

In human depravity, justifiably, you plunge in the knife. In Christ, you say, ‘Father, forgive them. They don’t know what they are doing.’ What do you do? It’s all according to how badly you want God, how badly you want God’s mercy, and how badly you want all God has for you.

Who’s the Fool? sermon video audio notes

Has something or someone ever ignited your anger? Perhaps it was something some fool said or something some fool did. You became ready to attack, yell, punch, get bloody. Maybe you women would say, ‘Scratch her eyes out,’ or ‘pull out her hair.’ Perhaps some fool cut you off in traffic, and you caught yourself leaning up on the steering wheel and yelling through the windshield, explaining to the fool precisely what a fool he or she was. Anyone??? Sure. Well, here’s my question to you, child of God. WHO WAS REALLY THE FOOL?

David the King Series: How to Pursue God’s Heart

Camping with the Enemy – sermon video audio notes

Your Ziklag might be camping with the enemy of alcohol, and you might laugh – for a while. Or, your Ziklag might be camping with the enemy of a forbidden relationship, and there might be a smile – for a while. Maybe your Ziklag is camping with the enemy of porn, and you will be entertained – for a while. You might be camping with the enemy of drug addiction. You will sleep, or buzz, or rush – for a while. Camping with the enemy provides temporary relief, but camping with the enemy ALWAYS removes worship from your heart and praise from your soul. Its intent is to destroy you.

When the Mighty Fall – sermon video audio notes

How do you feel when the mighty fall? Do you grieve a chosen of God fell? David grieved. The media and even preachers rejoiced in the falling of Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Ted Haggard, and President Bill Clinton. The Amalekite news media and Amalekite religion stood over those men plunging in swords. What a wrong attitude to have when the mighty fall. We will talk about many things in this study, but the primary thought I pray I communicate is the importance of the attitude of our heart when the mighty fall.

David the King Series: How to Pursue God’s Heart

Stronghold – sermon video audio notes

We all experience a stronghold in our lives – at least one stronghold. Your loved ones do, too – your spouse, children, everyone. It’s the thing that seems to control your life. God wants you to dislodge it and make it a place for his throne. David experienced a stronghold in the natural and converted it into a place of worship.

Uzzah Uzzed – sermon video audio notes

Like it or not, when you were born again, you were born again a priest. We know better, yet we do irreverent things as Uzzah did and wonder why we get uzzed as Uzzah did. David asked, How can the ark of the LORD ever come to me? God wants to come to each of us, but he comes on his terms.

Peace and Reflection – sermon video audio notes

When David reflected in peace, he reflected on his love for God and God’s house. He reflected on his love for people and his covenant friends. It brought David peace. Jesus said you can hang all of life, all the prophets said, and all the law said on those two things. Upon what do you reflect?

David the King Series: How to Pursue God’s Heart

David and Bathsheba, Balcony Attitude – sermon video audio notes

King David was a strong king but was about to become a weak person. When he knelt to pick up five smooth stones, David was never stronger. This evening, he walked around his high balcony as the king, the highest official with the highest power. He had a balcony attitude, but, as we are about to see, David was never weaker.

David, How’s Your Family? sermon video audio notes

David was a master king but a dysfunctional husband and father. How did David lose Jerusalem and the kingdom? The answer is easy – family. It was because he never HAD his family or HAD a marriage. Oh, he had lots of wives, at least eight of them. He also had lots of concubines, more than the Bible counts. He had many children… again, more than the Bible counts, but he never HAD his family.

National Leaders Bring A Nation’s Judgment – sermon video audio notes

(1) It is vitally important for national leaders to do what is right. Lives are literally in the balance. (2) The Lord God will bring judgment on a nation through its national leaders’ decisions. (3) People must maintain a right relationship with God. But perhaps most importantly, (4) How the leader responds to havoc and his or her doing wrong will stop the plague or allow it to continue.

David the King Series: How to Pursue God’s Heart

Go the Way of All the Earth – sermon video audio notes

David died. What have we learned from David? Life is not easy. You are a target of hell, but you can keep a heart for God through every giant, Saul, wilderness, cave, sin, personal problem, family problem, even to the time to go the way of all the earth.

David the King Series: How to Pursue God’s Heart

David the King Sermon Series sermon videos audios notes

David the King Series: How to Pursue God’s Heart

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David the King Series: How to Pursue God’s Heart