I Want to Leave Something Here: How to Make Your Mark

I Want to Leave Something Here: How to Make Your Mark. This sermon series, inspired by Rascal Flatts’ “When the Sand Runs Out,” explores God’s plan for us to live abundantly and impact society positively. It emphasizes the importance of leaving a meaningful legacy by focusing on key aspects: stopping backward glances, taking time to refresh, facing fears, embracing inner transformation, and making a lasting mark. The series encourages listeners to discover their God-given purpose, handle stress effectively, overcome fears, allow the Holy Spirit to work within them, and live intentionally to create a legacy that matters. Ultimately, it challenges us to become “brand new” individuals who can make a significant impact on the world around us.

I Want to Leave Something Here: How to Make Your Mark

by Delbert Young

I Want to Leave Something Here sermon series videos audios notes

I Want to Leave Something Here: How to Make Your Mark


Stop Looking Back sermon video audio notes

Looking back will turn us into a pillar of salt as it did Lot’s wife and cause our tombstones to be placed in the wilderness as it did the children of Israel. God said to forget the past and press toward the future. Find what it is that I have created you to do and be, then do it. We must stop looking back.

Take Time To Dance sermon video audio notes

I am not specifically talking about dancing. However, I am talking about taking time to refresh and taking time to de-stress. I cannot find a highly successful person in the Bible who left something here and who did not experience stress. This includes Jesus. Jesus stressed so badly his sweat was as drops of blood. The high-stress time came closer than anything else did to stop him from leaving something here. We must learn how to handle stress. We must TAKE TIME TO DANCE.

Face My Fears sermon video audio notes

Given enough information, we find every character in the Bible experienced fears and I am including Jesus in my statement. Noah experienced fear building the ark (Heb 11:7). Abraham had many fears. Jacob was afraid of Esau and Laban. Moses feared failure. The Lord was constantly telling Joshua to control his fear. Elijah feared Jezebel. King Saul feared David. David feared Saul. (The thing you fear actually fears you because once faced, it has no more power.) On and on it goes. However, to leave something here, i must face my fears!

Change from the Inside Out sermon video audio notes

The Holy Spirit desires to give us an Extreme Makeover that remains and shows externally. But, the Holy Spirit’s work is to cause us to Change Us From The Inside Out. And, when the Holy Spirit works, it is extreme. Let’s talk about a few of the extreme makeovers the Holy Spirit will do while helping us to LEAVE SOMETHING HERE.

Make My Mark sermon video audio notes

Which part of the writing on gravestones is the most important? Would it be the birth date or the death date? Or is it the in-between-time – the mark? When we truly think about it, the most important part is the mark. This is somewhat strange when we think about it, isn’t it? The mark – the dash – is the part representing what we did with our lives and, like it or not, we each will ‘leave’ a mark. Are you making a mark?

Brand New Man sermon video audio notes

A Christ follower experiences a spiritual metamorphosis just as a butterfly experiences a natural metamorphosis. The Holy Spirit wraps us in a spiritual cocoon. The metamorphosis begins with the desire to produce a beautiful new person who can fly great distances and will use the winds of the Spirit to migrate into the heavenly kingdom of God. God wants us to become a new creature – a brand new man.

I Want to Leave Something Here: How to Make Your Mark

I Want to Leave Something Here

I Want to Leave Something Here: How to Make Your Mark

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