Parables of Jesus sermon series video audio notes. The number of references in the scriptures speaking about how often Jesus spoke in parables is amazing. There are more than forty such references. As I looked, I was greatly struck by the obvious emphasis the gospel writers placed on the Lord’s use of parables. They emphasized how he again spoke to them in parables, and again spake he a parable unto them saying, and a parable spake he unto them, or hear the parable of… etc. The emphasis is again, and again Jesus used parables. Here’s a look at some of the Parables of Jesus.
Parables of Jesus sermon series video audio notes
by Delbert Young
Parables of Jesus sermon series video audio notes
Jesus Spoke in Parables – sermon video audio notes
The number of references in the scriptures that speak about how often Jesus spoke in parables is impressive. The writers did not only record the parable taught. They emphasized greatly he again spoke to them in parables, and again spake he a parable unto them saying, and a parable spake he unto them, or hear the parable of…, etc. The emphasis is not on the parable itself but on how frequently Jesus used parables. Every time Jesus taught the multitude, he used parables – every time.
The Good Samaritan – sermon video audio notes
Who is my neighbor? A neighbor, in the economy of God, is not the person who lives next door, nor a person who believes as I believe, nor a person of my race or nationality. A neighbor is the person who will help me when I cannot help myself. I am a neighbor when I help others. Go therefore and do likewise.
Traditions of Men – sermon notes
The ‘washing of hands’ doctrine was a tradition of men. The danger of the traditions of men is they remove the effect of the word of God. Some of us need healing in our bodies. Could it be that the traditions of men hinder a person’s healing? Could it be that the traditions of men stop the financial breakthrough from coming? Some need something positive to happen in their marriages. Could the problem be the traditions of men? How can I know? Let’s look at three necessities to free oneself from the traditions of men.
Parables of Jesus sermon series video audio notes
The Lost Sheep, The Adventure – sermon notes
In response to the Pharisees’ murmuring, Jesus told a parable. He used common objects to teach how his kingdom works. A man had one hundred sheep. He discerned one of them was missing. This one lost sheep became his focus. This one lost sheep was on his mind. He wanted the one lost sheep found. This is the heart of the evangelist.
Lost Coin – sermon video audio notes
There was a day in my life when I was this lost coin. I was valuable but lost. Also, I was fallen. Moreover, I was down in the cracks in the floor. Furthermore, I was among the dust and dirt of life. I was unfulfilled. Though I had everything I wanted, I continued missing something. I was valuable, but I was worthless as long as I was lost.
Seed Growing in Secret – sermon video audio notes
It all begins with a seed. There must be a seed. It does not matter how fertile the ground is or how well it is prepared. If I want to grow corn, I must plant a seed. The power is in the seed. If the seed is not in the ground, it will never produce. The purpose is to get the seed into the soil. It will then begin growing in secret. Get the Good News into a heart, and it will produce. It must be planted.
Parables of Jesus sermon series video audio notes
New Wineskins and New Cloth – sermon video audio notes
Jesus explained that when a garment is old, worn out, and has a horrible hole in it, a person does not tear a piece from a new garment to patch the old one. This would not be very intelligent. Fermenting wine needed to be sealed, but it released gas, requiring new wineskins. Wine required a container capable of expansion. The kingdom didn’t come to patch the Old Covenant. Those receiving the kingdom must be capable of expansion, not religiously stiff and dry.
Blind Leading the Blind – sermon notes
The Lord was not mocking the physically disabled. He was using this obvious example for his parable illustration. Imagine a person coming up to a blind man and saying, ‘Sir, you are so blind! You can’t see anything. Will you teach me how to be this blind? I want to be just like you.’
Door to the Sheepfold – sermon notes
In some situations, the sheepfold was a large area used by more than one shepherd. A porter (guard) was placed at the door (gate). When the shepherd came, the porter would open the door. The shepherd would walk in and call his own sheep by name. The sheep would respond to their shepherd, and the shepherd would lead them out. The sheep would not respond to a stranger, for they knew not the voice of strangers.
Parables of Jesus sermon series video audio notes
The Good Shepherd – sermon video audio notes
Jesus Christ is the good shepherd who laid down his life for his sheep so you and I could have life more abundantly. Five times, Jesus speaks of laying down his life. He does not say he might lay it down or that it is possible he may need to lay it down. It was a given. He would stand between the sheep and the wolf and allow the wolf to attack, kill, and feed on him so the sheep would not be harmed. He was devoured by the wolf and the thief, so we would not be.
Religious Person and the Sinner – sermon notes
The Lord, as it were, said, “A religious person who thinks they are holier than thou gags me. They stink and make me cough. I want to get away from them.” This parable is about a person with a religious attitude. We all know such people. My prayer is that we are not such people. These people are deceived into thinking they are justified or accepted by God when, in actuality, they make the Lord gag and cough.
Prodigal Son – sermon video audio notes
Though we know these parables speak of sinners (Luk 15:1-2), they also talk of people who were found but became lost. The Prodigal decided he would become lost. He consciously made the decision. There was nothing anyone could say or do to stop the process. Something out there looked better than what was in the church. Many believers decide to become lost. It is concerning that today’s prodigal son lesson speaks.
Parables of Jesus sermon series video audio notes
Forming of a Fool – sermon notes
Fools are not born. Fools are fashioned and formed. It may surprise you that King James’ version uses the word fool sixty-six times. God has much to say about the fool. The definition of a fool is a person who acts rashly by making decisions without reflection or thought. However, the fool we look at today reflected long and hard concerning his decision. Then what is a fool? I hope we answer this question in today’s lesson.
Unmerciful Servant – sermon notes
The servant was delivered to the tormentors till he should pay. How could he pay all he owed? The only way was to forgive the debt of his fellow servant. The only release for the unmerciful servant was to forgive the debt. Then Jesus said, “So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.”
Ten Virgins part 1 – sermon notes
Ten Virgins part 2 – sermon video audio notes
This is a parable that needs interpretation using the customs of the times and context. It simply will not make sense to attempt to interpret it with today’s customs or dispensational theology. For example, why would the Lord marry ten virgins? Why would he ask ten virgins to marry him and then say he did not know five of them? If these virgins represent the church and Christianity, why would the five wise not share their oil with the five foolish?
Parables of Jesus sermon series video audio notes
Laborers in the Vineyard – sermon video audio notes
This parable is a difficult parable to interpret. This is partly because of today’s present dispensational theology and also partly because of the chapter break, which disrupts the flow of thought. In this parable, Jesus said, So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen. However, the parable is easily understood when we grasp three points. These are the vineyard, the householder, and those hired.
Prayer, Friend At Midnight – sermon video audio notes
This parable of the Friend at Midnight is about prayer. However, it is not a lesson on prayer for just anyone. It is for the disciple of Christ. It is taking what they/we already knew/know about prayer and raising it to a new dimension.
Parables of Jesus sermon series video audio notes
Parables of Jesus sermon series video audio notes
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