Sermon on the Mount – How to Live in the Kingdom

Sermon on the Mount sermon series audio video notes. Think of something you experienced about which you were anxiously excited. It was something you could hardly wait to experience. I remember years ago, as a young couple, my wife and I were to leave for vacation the next morning, but we couldn’t sleep. We were so excited, so we left in the middle of the night.

Have you got a similar memory you felt anxiously excited about? Have you ever felt this type of anxious excitement about church? Likely not. But people were anxiously excited at the time of what we call The Sermon on the Mount. There was a buzz of anticipation about a young rabbi named Jesus of Nazareth. Let’s take a look at what he had to say about LIVING IN THE KINGDOM.

Sermon on the Mount – How to Live in the Kingdom

Living In The Kingdom

Sermon on the Mount sermon series

Sermon on the Mount – How to Live in the Kingdom

Matthew Chapter 5

Jesus Liar Lunatic Lord – How to Determine Which He Is – sermon video audio notes

It Begins with Attitudes – How to Live a Blessed Life – sermon video audio notes

Heart Attitudes – How to Heal Our Hearts – sermon notes

Salt and Light – How to be Christ’s Instruments – sermon video audio notes

Kingdom Righteousness – How to Major on Right Living – sermon video audio notes

Murder in the Kingdom – How to Avoid It – How to Avoid It – video audio notes

Morality in the Kingdom – How to Avoid Lust – sermon video audio notes

Marriage in the Kingdom – How to Avoid Divorce – sermon video audio notes

Honesty in the Kingdom – How to Tell the Truth – How to Tell the Truth – sermon video audio notes

Cheek Turning in the Kingdom – How to Save Relationships – sermon video audio notes

Love in the Kingdom – How to Love Like God – sermon video audio notes

Sermon on the Mount sermon series audio video notes

Matthew Chapter 6

Giving In The Kingdom – The Joy of Sacrificial Love
– sermon video audio notes

Prayer In The Kingdom: Cultivating a Vibrant Prayer Life – sermon video audio notes

Our Father – Living as Children of Light and Love – sermon video audio notes

Your Kingdom – Transforming Society with God’s Love
– sermon video audio notes

Your Will – How to Know God’s Will for Your Life – sermon video audio notes

Give Us – How to Ask God for What We Need – sermon video audio notes

Forgive Us – How to Be Like God – How to Be Like God – sermon video audio notes

Lead us not into Temptation: How to Understand It – sermon video audio notes

Deliver Us From the Evil One – Overcoming Spiritual Warfare – sermon video audio notes

Fasting in the Kingdom – Renewing Your Mind and Body – sermon video audio notes

Sermon on the Mount sermon series audio video notes

Treasures in the Kingdom – Investing in Heavenly Wealth – sermon video audio notes

Mammon Or God – How to See the Supernatural – sermon video audio notes

Seek First the Kingdom – How to Live in God’s Realm
– sermon video audio notes

Matthew Chapter 7

Dogs Pigs Specks Planks – How to Avoid Being Judged – sermon video audio notes

Keep On Asking Seeking Knocking – How to Get Breakthroughs – sermon notes

Which Gate Which Road – How to Find the Correct One – sermon video audio notes

Preachers True and False – How to Know the Difference – sermon video audio notes

Know Certainty of Entrance – How to Know the Lord – sermon notes

Storm Rock Sand – How to Build a Great Life – sermon video audio notes

Sermon on the Mount sermon series audio video notes

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