Baggage Everybody Has Some – How To Dump Life’s Problems

Baggage Everybody Has Some – How To Dump Life’s Problems sermon series video audio notes is a four-part sermon series dealing with the inward baggage we all carry and acquire over life. For some, there is the baggage of addictions. Equally important, for some, there is the baggage of depression. Certainly, for some, there is the baggage of divorce. Without a doubt, for some, there is the baggage of emotional damage. Nearly all have emotional baggage weighing us down. How do we dump the baggage?

Baggage Everybody Has Some – How To Dump Life’s Problems

by Delbert Young

Baggage Everybody Has Some sermon series video audio notes

Baggage Everybody Has Some – How To Dump Life’s Problems


Baggage Dump – How To Change The Way I Think – notes, audio, video

The baggage dump affects our lives. The baggage dump will cause addictions, emotional problems, and depression, blind us to reality, stop us from getting help, and cause us to hurt others. A baggage dump will cause more baggage that slows us down and even stops our lives. Many people never experience a great life because they are now a baggage dump.

Baggage of Addictions – How to Rebuild Your Life – notes, audio, video

When you offer yourself to God, you are also offering your Baggage of Addictions. When we come to Christ, we come with all of our baggage. Is that correct, or do we clean up first? No, we can’t clean up on our own. We come and give it all to him, allowing him to begin dealing with it. We give it, take our hands off it, and allow him to deal with it.

Baggage of Depression – How to Overcome Low Moments – notes, audio, video

You might be saying, Man, this will be a good lesson because I know this person, and they need to hear this. The truth is a time will come when the baggage of depression will get you if it has not already. I never thought I would experience depression. In the first place, I even thought it was unnecessary for a person to put up with depression. Also, I thought this way until I woke up one day in the cave of depression carrying the Baggage of Depression. Some of you are depressed this very minute, and it has been this way for a long time. So, how can you dump the baggage of depression? Baggage Everybody Has Some

Emotional Baggage – How to Trust Again After Betrayal – notes audio video

Once bruised, emotions become tender and sensitive. We walk through life picking up emotional ‘bruisings’ – a scratch here, a chip there, and maybe a crack or two. You have said, ‘You hurt my feelings.’ Words and actions by others frequently bruise your emotions. However, sometimes, the words and actions of others are like hammers, literally smashing your emotions. Then emotions are like pointed and jagged sharp edges piercing and cutting your soul. Has anyone ever said to you, ‘You are emotional?’ For some sick reason, we internalize those emotional times. It hurts every time we think about the event. We handle the emotional scratches and chips okay, but smashed emotions can be devastating to your life.

Baggage Everybody Has Some – How To Dump Life’s Problems

Baggage Everybody Has Some

Baggage Everybody Has Some – How To Dump Life’s Problems

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