Church Giving sermon video audio

Church Giving sermon video audio. A church at its best gives. It doesn’t tithe. It gives, and it understands church giving. Tithing is only the beginning. Giving goes far beyond tithing. Tithing is a bargain. There is a certain kind of spiritual growth  only coming as a result of the ADVENTURE OF GIVING.


Church Giving sermon video audio

by Delbert Young








A church at its best gives. It doesn’t tithe.

It gives. Tithing is only the beginning. Giving goes way beyond tithing. Tithing is a bargain. There is a certain kind of spiritual growth that only comes as a result of the ADVENTURE OF GIVING.

From Growing Up in Giving sermon:

What I want to talk about today is what most say to be the number one universal immaturity issue found in Christ’s followers. What do you think that might be? That number one immaturity is financially giving to the kingdom of God. Let me ask you a question off the top. Will a mature Christian give financially the way the Bible says to give?

The Gallup polling organization says, “Two-thirds of Americans claim to be members of a church or some other religious institution… Gallup concludes, about two-thirds of the population claim to attend services at least once a month or more often… Thirty-six percent say they attend once a week.”

About 66% of Americans attend church, but how many give as a mature believer gives?

“Barna’s data [Barna Research Group] shows that only 3 percent of adults contributed 10 percent… Among born-again Christians, the decline was similarly steep, from 14 percent in 2001 to 6 percent in 2002.”

This particular Arrested Development Syndrome is the cause of the #1 battle of every local church including ours. It stops churches everywhere from fulfilling their God-given purposes.

Church Giving sermon video audio

Church Giving sermon video audio

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