Creative Power Of Words series audio video notes

Creative Power Of Words sermon series audios videos notes. As a horse’s bit directs, turns, and makes the horse obey its rider, our words direct, turn, and cause life to obey. Exactly as a ship’s rudder sets its navigational course, words set the course of life as we navigate through it.

Creative Power Of Words sermon series audios videos notes

Creative Power of Words

Your Words Direct Your Life sermon video audio notes

As a horse’s bit directs, turns, and makes a horse obey its rider, our words direct, turn, and make life obey. Exactly as a ship’s rudder sets its navigational course, words set the course of life as we navigate through it.

One of the most amazing things is I find most Christ followers don’t realize the creative power in their words. You create your future with your own words. If you want a picture of how your life will be in five years, listen to what you are saying today. Today you are living what your words carried into your future. Many of the things, good and bad, blessings and maybe curses, you created by your words. Your words direct your life.

Creative Power Of Words sermon series

Blessing, High Praise, Fine Discourse, Polished Language, Invocation sermon video audio notes

You bless your life with your words of praise, commendation, and high praise. Using polished words you send a blessing into your future. God has made you wonderful. You are awesome and special. You invoke blessings into your future when you get your mouth aligned with who God says you are and see yourself as God sees you.

Creative Power Of Words sermon series audios videos notes

Creative Power Of Words sermon series audios videos notes

Creative Power Of Words sermon series audios videos notes

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