Baptism In The Holy Ghost Series Audio

Baptism In The Holy Ghost Series. Who is the Holy Spirit? Is this for today? Is this a separate experience from conversion? What about tongues? What is the purpose of tongues? People need this. People should be able to minister this. There must be Scriptural resources about this baptism.

Baptism In The Holy Ghost Series Audio


1 Introduction

Who is the Holy Spirit? Is this for today? Is this a separate experience from conversion? What about tongues? What is the purpose of tongues? People need this. People should be able to minister this. There must be Scriptural resources about this baptism.

2 Aspects Of The Holy Spirit Audio

He searches deep things, He speaks, He calls people, He directs, He testifies, He teaches, He reproves, He guides into truth, He prays, He can be grieved, we can attempt to lie to Him.

3 Symbols Of The Holy Spirit Audio

The Scriptures show Him as Wind, Fire, and Water. He’s a rushing mighty – a breeze to a hurricane.

4 Part In Conversion Audio

Jesus said no person can come to Him except the Father draw. The word “draw” is like wooing or even a dragging. The Holy Spirit is Salt, He is Oil, and He is a Seal.

5 Part In Conversion 2 Audio

There are two absolute ways to know if you or someone else has experienced conversion, i.e. saved or born again or from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of His dear son. First there is a work of repentance. There will also be a quickening of faith within.

6 Balance And Restoration Audio

Jesus will not come back for an adolescent bride. He will come back for a fully grown mature woman, the church. There must be conversion and a born again experience, but the church cannot stay a baby. There must also be growing into maturity.

7 Separate Experience From Conversion Audio

People believe they experience the infilling of the Holy Ghost/Spirit when they experience conversion/belief. It’s never been at the same time and will never be.

8 Purpose Of Pentecost Audio

If I asked the average churchgoer the purpose of this feast they probably wouldn’t know what Pentecost is. If they did know they would tell me “talking in tongues.” No. That is not the purpose of Pentecost.

9 Tongues Initial Evidence Audio

Five times in the Book Of Acts people are baptized in the Holy Spirit. All five times they spoke in tongues. You who are baptized in the Holy Spirit, how do you know you are baptized in the Holy Spirit?

10 The 3 Purposes Of Tongues Audio

Why tongues? What is/are the purpose of speaking in other tongues? The first is to so we can speak in tongues so we can worship and commune with Father in the Spirit.

Baptism In The Holy Ghost Series

Baptism In The Holy Ghost Series Audio

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