The Apostle – How to Empower Believers. Jesus is the Apostle of our profession. But what does that mean exactly? What does an apostle do? If they are necessary for the church, who has been an apostle in my life? How would I know him or her if I met him or her? Could I have an apostolic gift? Hopefully, our lesson will help answer all these questions and more.
Gave Gifts Unto Men: How to Identify Your Gift Mix
By Pastor Delbert Young
The Apostle Gifting: How to Empower Believers
The Apostle Gifting: How to Empower Believers
The apostle will
A. The apostle is outwardly recognized by an ability (anointing) to
____________________ God’s people.
B. The apostle will be very
The apostle will be equipped with a
____________________________________ always founded in the _________________________.
Beginning churches are _____________________________________________ to the apostle.
C. The passion of the apostle is to
to people who have not heard their message.
A. The Greek word apostolos (apostle) means a
B. Apostles are extremely interested in getting things correct at the
___________________________________________ level
A. The apostle will be strongly
________________________________________________ in more than one gift-ability.
B. The anointing upon the apostle to heal the sick and cast out devils is connected to and accompanies
__________________________________________________________________ by Jesus to deliver.
The best time to draw signs and wonders from the apostle is when the apostle is
C. The apostle is anointed to
__________________________________________________________ for the work of the kingdom.
D. Extraordinary things happened when the apostles
The apostle will have a desire to
at some point early in the apostle’s calling and walk with the Lord.
However, the apostle also has a guarantee to
It seems we have an image of apostles being nearly
A. The scriptures warn us about
B. One good thing about knowing there are false apostles is the warning proves there are also
1. ________________________________ nothing
2. Strange doctrine(s) with _____________________________of apostolic truth.
3. …a passion for preaching for
4. …inclined to say,
5. …come and go with __________________________ with no true eternal impact on the people
6. The false apostle will have ____________________________ with the Lord
7. …false apostle who will have experienced ___________________ _____________________ persecution
1. …there must be people the person is responsible for _______________________________
2. Message must __________________ with the apostle’s doctrine
3. …have a ___________________ to take their message to people who have not heard it
4. …will be extremely
5. …always give an ______________________ to people
6. …spent much _________________________ with the Lord
7. …true apostle will have experienced _________________________
because of their message
. Testing a person claiming to be an apostle:
The goal of the apostle and every ministry gift is to _______________________________________
Romans 1:11 For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established
1 Thessalonians 3:2 And sent Timotheus, our brother, and minister of God, and our fellowlabourer in the gospel of Christ, to establish you, and to comfort you concerning your faith:
2 Peter 1:12 Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth.
Galatians 2:7-8 But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter; (For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles:)
The apostle will establish God’s people.
This is accomplished in several ways.
One method is for the apostle to impart spiritual gifts.
He will impart his gifts and make sure that other gifts are available to the people. Note that Paul said, “I long to see you .” The apostle’s heart longs to see people and help them become established.
The apostle will also establish people by bringing ministry to them and helping set leadership in the church.
These will be ministries he or she has raised and knows if possible.
The apostle will also rehearse the truths the people already know and then add the present truth.
The Lord is constantly speaking to his church. We will always have the same Bible but continuously see new and present truth. An apostle will hear truth from the Lord, which will become the apostle’s message.
Every apostle does not preach the same message or emphasize the gospel of Jesus Christ.
For example, the Apostle Paul had a message for the Gentiles, while the Apostle Peter had a message for the Jews.
Obviously, first, there must be people the person is responsible for establishing.
The false apostle will have established nothing.
Next, the message must align with the apostle’s doctrine.
The false apostle will have a strange doctrine with bits and pieces of apostolic truth.
Do they have a passion to take their message to people who have not heard it?
The false apostle will have a passion for preaching for money.
The true apostle will be extremely foundational.
They are very intent on establishing proper foundational beliefs in people. The false apostle will be inclined to say, “Don’t rock the boat.”
The true apostle will always give an impartation to the people.
The false apostle will come and go with no impact on the people.
The true apostle will have spent much quality time with the Lord. This will be obvious in his or her sharing.
The false apostle will have spent little time with the Lord. This, too, will be obvious in sharing in the lack of revelation.
Finally, the true apostle will have experienced serious persecution because of the message, while the false apostle will have experienced self-inflicted persecution.
The apostle is a gift from the Lord Jesus to the church. It is a vital gift for perfecting the saints for the ministry. No other gift is so desirous of establishing people in Jesus at the foundational level.
The goal of every ministry gift is to bring the saints to a place of working for the ministry. This will build the body of Christ.
Ephesians 4:11-12 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
How does an apostle accomplish this? Remembering that an apostle longs to establish people in Christ (Rom 1:11) gives us some direction. Perhaps we can provide some thoughts.
Those recognized with an apostolic gifting and anointing are not functioning apostles until they establish saints (people).
A list of people who need to be established in the foundational area may be compiled. These would be the people that those with the gift of the apostle could help. A foundation class based upon Hebrews 6:1-2 might be initiated to develop a strong foundation in those saints.
Another possibility would be for those with the apostolic anointing to visit the homes of those needing help.
Some who may not attend class might enjoy a home visit, during which the Bible could be opened in a more private setting and foundational material discussed.
We must remember that new Believers will not understand Bible books, chapters, and verses. They could become intimidated. The purpose is to establish and not intimidate.
At some point early in the development process, the saint needs to take an evaluation such as the one given in this teaching.
The saint should begin understanding his or her gift as soon as possible. There is no need for today’s saint to be puzzled concerning their gift mix.
The teaching should be designed to bring impartation.
This is what Paul said he longed to do. For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established (Rom 1:11). The teaching should bring an impartation which should bring an activation or establishment. The activation is the saint doing the work of the ministry, which is the final goal of each gift. When the saint begins moving in the work of the ministry, the body is edified. At this point, those with the apostolic anointing have successfully established the saints.
The Apostle Gifting: How to Empower Believers
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