Speaking Faith Filled Words sermon

Speaking Faith Filled Words sermon video and audio. We’ve talked about the power of our words, but let’s refresh. Much of faith has to do with the words we speak. Our words have creative power. If you want to know who you will be 5 years from now simply listen to what you are saying about yourself now. You are creating with your words, your own future.

By Pastor Delbert Young

Speaking Faith Filled Words sermon video

Sermon notes


Speaking Faith Filled Words sermon video

Proverbs 18:20-21; Romans 4:16-17; Psalms 107:2; Mark 11:23; Psalm 91:1-3; Joel 3:10; Hebrews 10:23; Zechariah 10:1





Let’s talk about SPEAKING FAITH FILLED WORDS. We’ve talked about the power of our words, but let’s refresh. Much of faith has to do with the words we speak. Our words have creative power. If you want to know who you will be 5 years from now simply listen to what you are saying about yourself now. You are creating with your words, your own future.

Proverbs 18:20-21  From the FRUIT OF HIS MOUTH a man’s stomach is filled; with the harvest from his lips he is satisfied. THE TONGUE HAS THE POWER OF LIFE AND DEATH, and those who love it WILL EAT its fruit.

We do eat our words and they become our life’s harvest. What we allow to come out our mouths greatly determines what we “eat” in life.  Words are like seeds, that go before you, planting your future for LIFE or for DEATH.

So many people say, “I’ll never get well.” “I’ll never get out of debt.” “It’s flu season. I’ll probably get it.” “This marriage is not going to make it.” We went out and I overheard a woman say, “I’ve been dying to see you!” We say all sorts of negative even weird things and wonder why negative and weird things happen. It’s because people plant into their futures defeat, negative, and weird things. It seems we never associate the two…

(continue sermon notes)

Speaking Faith Filled Words sermon video

Speaking Faith Filled Words sermon video

Speaking Faith Filled Words sermon video

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Delbert Young Sermons YouTube