Fasting Remembrance In The Sight Of God

Fasting Remembrance In The Sight Of God audio video. What are a few issues we need to know about fasting? One thing is fasting is remembrance in the sight of God. Jesus shared this with his disciples. Fasting is for those who really desire to go into a higher place with the Lord. It brings a person into a place with God they cannot experience any other way. 

Fasting, Remembrance In The Sight Of God

by Delbert Young







Fasting Remembrance In The Sight Of God audio video

Scriptures: Matthew 6:16-18, Matthew 9:14-15, John 5:20, Psalms 103:7

The following snippet is from “Fasting in the Kingdom” sermon notes. “Fasting in the Kingdom” is not this sermon, but is about fasting.

Jesus comes to a place where he tells us how to raise our spiritual talents to a new level. Have you ever wanted to raise your level of spirituality? Have you ever wanted to be a better, more mature Christ follower, and have you ever wanted to go to the next level of spirituality? If so, there are some private lessons you can take. When at some point, we look into the mirror and realize we are not growing and becoming better in our spiritual life, we can take some private lessons.

When we honestly say things like, “I’m not much closer to God now than I was two, three, five years ago, I’m not a more loving person today, my character hasn’t changed, my joy is not where I want it, my sensitivity to hurting people has not increased, my desire to give has not increased, I’m really not concerned about the lost” there are some lessons we can sign up for. There are some spiritual techniques that we can practice and they will produce dramatic improvement and changes in your spiritual life.

Fasting, Remembrance In The Sight Of God

Fasting, Remembrance In The Sight Of God

Fasting, Remembrance In The Sight Of God

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Delbert Young Sermons YouTube