Heroes of the Bible series: How to Unleash Your Inner Hero

Heroes of the Bible series: How to Unleash Your Inner Hero. In this powerful sermon series, Pastor Young challenges us to view biblical heroes through a fresh lens, revealing their supernatural qualities as attainable for all believers. He emphasizes that being in God’s kingdom automatically qualifies you as a hero. From David’s discernment in choosing battles, to Jacob’s internal transformation, to Moses’ strength through meekness, each hero exemplifies unique spiritual traits. The series encourages us to tap into our divine potential, whether it’s through Jairus-like faith, Jesus-like compassion, or Joshua-style audacious goals. By embracing these heroic qualities, we can unleash our inner hero and live supernaturally in our everyday lives.

Heroes of the Bible sermon series video audio notes

by Delbert Young

Heroes of the Bible sermon series video audio notes

Heroes of the Bible: How to Unleash Your Inner Hero

DAVID Recognizing Which Battles to Fight sermon video audio notes

One thing I’ve learned from David is not every battle I could fight is worth fighting. Actually, very few are really worth fighting. Most battles we find ourselves fighting are because someone upsets us. Many challenges challenging us to a fight are only distractions luring us away from our destinies and robbing us of precious time, resources, and abundance.

JACOB Bring Out What Is Inside sermon video audio notes

Like Jacob, there’s a wrestling match within between who you want to be and who it’s easy to be. It’s easy to be common and natural. Anybody can do that, but it’s not easy to be who you and God want you to be – supernatural. That requires real change on the inside.

Heroes of the Bible sermon series video audio notes

MOSES Amazing Meekness sermon video audio notes

Jesus said the meek are blessed and shall inherit the earth (Mat 5:5). You will inherit something big and important if you are a meek person. Meekness is a supernatural strength that makes you a hero like Moses. When we hear the word meek, we think weak. No. Meek is strength under control.

Jairus A Hero Father sermon video audio notes

A father is a hero when he realizes there are some things in life he can’t fix except he includes Jesus in those things. For one thing, Jairus was not too stubborn, proud, or anti-Jesus to worship Jesus and plead/pray for his children no matter what his friends and religion said. As a matter of fact, that characteristic made Jairus supernatural and a hero. To rephrase it, the mightiest men I know are men who found Jesus and made certain Jesus came to their homes to touch their children.

Heroes of the Bible sermon series video audio notes

JESUS A Hero Of Compassion sermon video audio notes

The Bible says Jesus had ‘Bowels of compassion.’ This isn’t a term we use today, but the biblical thought is powerful. So, we all have bowels. For one thing, we can open or shut our bowels of compassion. To be sure, we all know what happens when our bowels shut up. Compassion is a needed movement for every single one of us. When compassion doesn’t happen, and the longer it doesn’t happen, the more serious it becomes.

JOSHUA Uncommon Faith sermon video audio notes

You don’t make little plans. You don’t say, “God, just allow me to go as far as my parents did in life. Then I’ll be successful.” Instead, you say, ‘I will have twice as much as my parents. I will go twice as far, give twice as much, have twice the influence, twice the wisdom, twice the friends, twice the creativity, twice the income.’ It’s extreme Joshua faith. You believe God will do anything for you like stop the sun and moon.

Heroes of the Bible sermon series video audio notes

HEROES In Our Midst America – sermon video audio notes

Many of you are veterans and today, we have several men and women serving who attend Life Gate, or their parents attend. They and those of you who have served are men and women who love God and love America. You are Heroes in our Midst. There were many “Heroes Of The Bible” who served in the armed forces – Joshua, Caleb, Gideon, Deborah, David, David’s mighty men, etc. What made them heroes was the understanding of the privilege of freedom. Does America?

Heroes of the Bible sermon series video audio notes

Heroes of the Bible sermon series

Heroes of the Bible sermon series video audio notes

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Heroes of the Bible sermon series by Delbert Young video audio notes