Influence 3-D Sermon Series: How to See as God Sees

Influence 3-D Sermon Series: How to See as God Sees Them with video, audio, and notes challenges us to view others through a divine lens. This sermon series explores the concept of perceiving people in three dimensions – body, soul, and spirit – mirroring God’s perspective. By looking beyond the physical and emotional aspects, we can recognize the spiritual essence in each individual. This 3-D vision allows us to appreciate God’s love for all people and their inherent value. The series emphasizes that true influence comes from seeing others as God does, requiring us to move past superficial judgments and connect on a deeper, spiritual level. This approach enables us to impact lives more effectively and fulfill our purpose as Christ’s followers.

Influence 3-D Sermon Series: How to See as God Sees

Influence 3D sermon series sermon audio sermon notes

Influence 3-D Sermon Series: How to See as God Sees

Please Spit On My Eyes Again sermon video audio notes

Jesus did a strange thing. He spit on the man’s eyes. What’s that about? How many ministers would you allow to spit on your eyes? ‘Come down to the altar. I have the ministry of spitting. I want to spit on you.’ Only Jesus knows exactly what is required to open our eyes so we can see clearly. For some of us, it takes something pretty radical. We were and are all blind to a degree. How radical does Jesus need to get?

Find Your Lamp Stand sermon video audio notes

Jesus saw a broken world and used his influence for the highest purpose, which is to seek and save what was lost. He used a lampstand on which to put his light. He used a boat, fish and loaves, a fig tree, a cross, and finally a throne. He’s telling us to put our lights on our lampstands.

Dinner of Influence sermon video audio notes

Levi gave Jesus a large dinner of influence. There Jesus touched lives. I have to believe every single one of us will cross paths with someone this holiday season who is messed up and needs Christ. It may well be a relative or a friend of a relative. It might be at the mall, or a large dinner. My point is for you to be ready.

Influence 3-D Sermon Series: How to See as God Sees

Influence 3-D sermon series

Influence 3-D Sermon Series: How to See as God Sees

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