Temptation How It Works: How to Recognize the Bait

Temptation How It Works: How to Recognize the Bait examines the subtle ways temptation lures individuals into poor choices. It emphasizes that temptation often appears attractive and harmless, masking its true nature. Recognizing the “bait” involves being aware of one’s vulnerabilities and temptation’s deceptive nature. The process follows four steps: desire, deception, disobedience, and destruction. By understanding this cycle and our own weaknesses, we can better guard against temptation’s pitfalls. The key is cultivating self-awareness, spiritual strength, and a strong moral compass to navigate life’s challenges effectively.

This sermon answers five important life questions:

  1. What is temptation, and how does it work?
  2. Where does temptation come from?
    “James 1:13 When tempted, no one should say, ‘God is tempting me.’ For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone;”
  3. How does temptation lead to sin?
    “James 1:15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.”
  4. How can we identify our personal weaknesses that make us vulnerable to temptation?
    “Take time to reflect on your past struggles and temptations. Look for recurring themes or situations where you’ve been vulnerable. These patterns often reveal the areas Satan targets most frequently in your life.”
  5. What strategies can we use to overcome temptation?
    “First, I recognize that bait can entice me. I am very aware of what tempts me. Second, I have a friend I talk to about my temptations. I have known him for twenty-five years, and I can trust him. I am accountable to him. He can ask me how I am doing at any time.”

The Book of James – How Life Works
By Pastor Delbert Young

Temptation How It Works: How to Recognize the Bait


Scriptures: Hebrews 4:15, 1 Corinthians 10:12, James 1:13, James 1:14, James 1:15, Colossians 2:14, Colossians 2:15,

Temptation How It Works: How to Recognize the Bait

We are in our series on the book of James called “The Way Life Works.” Last week, we talked about the way trials work. We saw everyone has trials. No one is exempt. We saw a Biblical trial intended to test our faith. An actual trial will cause us to question and doubt God. It will cause us to think, if not say, I don’t know if I want to be a Christ follower. But when the trial is over, we are a more complete person, a more mature person, and lack less.

If the trial was in our finances, we should have learned and matured through the financial trial, and we should have learned how to manage our finances better. It’s the same way with our marriages, children, work, and anything about life because that’s the way life works.

1. What is temptation, and how does it work?

Today, we will be talking about temptation. So, let’s call this lesson “How Temptation Works.” Has anyone here ever been tempted in any way? Are there a few things that tempt us more than others, and if we are not careful, will they cause us to sin? Can you imagine your life without your temptations? Probably not, because the temptations you face have always been a part of your life, and usually, we think of them as fun and exciting.

So, what is temptation? Here is the actual definition of the Greek word.

πειράζω peirazo (pei-ra’-zō) v.
to test (objectively), i.e., endeavor, scrutinize, entice, discipline.

It’s the Greek word peirazo, and it means “to test.” So, a temptation is actually a test. It’s a test by the Lord, the Holy Spirit, or the Father to see what we will do. Will we pass the test (temptation), or will we fail the test?

Temptation is universal

Everyone has temptations. We all have weaknesses. None of us are as good on the inside as we project on the outside. We all have darkness inside we constantly deal with. As we have seen in the news recently and over the years, even the clergy (Roman Catholic priests) have horrible darkness inside. None of us are immune to temptation. Temptation even came to Jesus Christ. We are aware of his temptations in the wilderness by the devil, but there were other temptations, such as Gethsemane.

Temptation How It Works sermon audio notes

The Bible says,

Hebrews 4:15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet was without sin.

Temptation is as natural as breathing. If you are breathing, you are tempted. It happens to all of us. It’s how life works. I want to make two points before moving on. First, don’t play like temptation never tempts you. You would be a hypocrite. If every person in the Bible, including Jesus, was tempted, then it is silly to play like I am too spiritual, too smart, or too old to be tempted.

The second point is that the people you love very deeply, such as your spouse, children, people you try to win into the kingdom, etc., also have temptations. That’s right. The person you are sitting next to in church wars with temptations. Guess what? The person you are listening to and looking at right now has temptations. If anyone projects that they do not have temptations and have developed to a place where they are superior to the rest of us concerning temptation, get away from them as quickly as possible. They are about to fall. The Bible says,

(TLB) 1 Corinthians 10:12 So be careful. If you are thinking, “Oh, I would never behave like that” – let this be a warning to you. For you too may fall into sin.

Temptation How It Works sermon audio notes

Who is responsible for temptations?

Have you ever wondered why God allowed you (of all people) to go through some temptation? Is God responsible for tempting me? Have you ever questioned, “Is God testing me with this temptation? Or, is the devil tempting me?” Here is what James says.

James 1:13 When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone;

James says point blank that it is not God who tempts us with evil. Stop blaming God. He will tempt us with good, but he will never tempt us with evil.

Isn’t it amazing how we humans want to blame someone else when we fall into temptation? We blame God or the devil if we can’t find someone specific. It’s human nature, no matter if you are male or female. It’s always been this way.

Remember how God asked Adam about being tempted and messing up in the Garden of Eden? The man said, “The woman you put here with me – she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it” (Gen 3:12). Then God asked the woman, and she said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate” (Gen 3:13). The serpent said, “You made this way. It’s just my nature.” Do we ever say this? “Well, it’s just how I am!”

James 1:14 but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed.

A fishing metaphor can help explain how temptation works. Let’s look at a few specific words and terms in James 1:14. James uses “each one,” “tempted,” “desire,” “dragged away,” and “enticed.”

Temptation How It Works sermon audio notes

Every fish has a favorite food. For example, a bluegill loves crickets and worms. A crappie loves live minnows. A largemouth bass loves lures that imitate small fish. Striped bass love live shad. And the list goes on and on. The point is that the correct food will “entice” any fish, no matter how large, how old, or how clever the fish may be. If the fisherperson can “tempt” the fish and “entice” the fish to strike, the fish can be “dragged away.” Interestingly, they see the hook, but the enticement and appetite are more potent than the hook.

It’s this way with you and me. There is my favorite thing that will “tempt” and “entice” me to strike. The devil will keep changing baits until he finds one enticing us. He will put it right in my path. I see the hook. I know if I strike this bait, it will hook me and drag me away. We say, “Well, what’s so bad about that? I like it. I enjoy it. Give me a break.”

I release most of the fish I catch. But occasionally, I catch a trophy and keep it mounted on my wall. Or, I keep a few eat-devour. “Temptation How It Works: How to Recognize the Bait” explores the nature of temptation. Understand your desires and learn strategies to resist enticement in this powerful message – audio and notes. One day, the thing enticing us will destroy us. James says,

James 1:15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

Now is probably a really good time to define a biblical temptation. A biblical temptation will destroy you if not resisted. James uses the birth process to explain how temptation works. First, temptation comes as a desire. If we give in to the desire, conception takes place. When conceived, birth happens. If allowed to grow fully, it brings death and destruction. Let’s look at the verse one more time.

Temptation How It Works sermon audio notes

James 1:15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

I am somewhat reluctant to use this illustration for several reasons, but it fits so well that I will use it anyway. My brother-in-law was a very good man. He loved his wife and his children. He was extremely likable and had lots of friends, but Jimmy loved to smoke cigarettes, and he smoked from the time he was fifteen years of age until he died at sixty of lung cancer.

If you know me, you know I do not condemn people who use tobacco. The Bible doesn’t. So, how can I? However, I do say it’s not the smartest thing we can do, and I encourage people to break the habit. Jimmy was tempted, enticed, and dragged away. It led to Jimmy’s death.

Was it God who put cancer on Jimmy? Was it the devil? Or, was it Jimmy? Did Jimmy know there was a hook in there? Oh yes. He had watched some close friends die of lung cancer. The warnings were all over every package. Still, he was tempted, enticed, dragged away, and died.

My question was not “Why God?” My question was, “Why Jimmy?” “Why did you use tobacco when you knew what it was doing to you?” But then I look at me and the things I struggle with. How can I keep doing some of the things I do when I know they have the potential to destroy me eventually? If this were to be the case, my question would not be, “Why Godally can’t say, “The Devil made me do it.” My question must be, “Why Delbert?”

Temptation How It Works sermon audio notes

What is the solution?

I fear we fall into the trap of thinking somehow, one day, we will experience a magical deliverance from all our temptations. Deception tricks us into believing magically; one by one, every temptation will vanish away and never tempt us again. Maybe we can become “spiritual” enough. Well, Jesus never did. Perhaps we can become old enough. Well, Abraham never did. Maybe we can become smart enough. Well, Solomon never did.

Using my fishing metaphor, a Bluegill will never stop being tempted by crickets. A Crappie will never stop being tempted by minnows. A Largemouth Bass will never stop being tempted by smaller fish. A striped bass will never stop being tempted by live shad. It’s in their nature. So, what are we to do?

Here is where Christ’s followers have the edge. We have the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom. We have the angels and the cloud of witnesses cheering us on, Jesus praying for us, and Father God loving us. And we have the cross and the blood of Jesus to cleanse us.

Here is what I do.

First, I recognize that bait can entice me. I am very aware of what tempts me. Second, I have a friend I talk to about my temptations. I have known him for twenty-five years, and I can trust him. I am accountable to him. He can ask me how I am doing at any time. He tells me about his temptations and knows he can trust me. The Bible says to confess our faults to one another – ONE another. I am very careful to whom I confess.

Third, I find that, at times, I need to pray more intensely about temptation than usual. I need to talk to Jesus. I need the power of the Holy Spirit. So, I bring it to the Lord and allow his blood to cleanse my mind from thoughts of temptation. I call it bringing it to the cross.

Temptation How It Works sermon audio notes

Colossians 2:14 and blotted out the charges proved against you, the list of his commandments which you had not obeyed. He took this list of sins and destroyed it by nailing it to Christ’s cross.

Colossians 2:15 In this way God took away Satan’s power to accuse you of sin, and God openly displayed to the whole world Christ’s triumph at the cross where your sins were all taken away.

I want to take away Satan’s power of temptation. I bring it to the cross, and I nail it there. The cross triumphs over my sin.

Today, we have a cross here before you. You should have a red card with “temptation” written on it. What I ask you to do now is to take a minute and quiet your mind. You know what bait you like, and you know your temptations. Please write them. Temptation isn’t necessarily a lust like pornography or homosexuality. It can be an addiction.

It is the thing if you allow it to run its course, it will destroy you, and it can be as simple as overeating. However, it can be as addictive as cocaine or be greed, anger, or all of the above. Some may have only one. Some may have many. I have caught catfish on every type of bait I mentioned and many other bait.

Temptation How It Works sermon audio notes

My point and purpose are to get us to look at our hearts. What do we need to nail to Christ’s cross, and what do we need to frequently remove from Satan’s power? I want us to write our temptations down on the inside of the card, fold it, and then come and nail them to the cross—nail them all over the cross. When we finish, we will see a cross with our transgressions nailed there.

Temptation How It Works: How to Recognize the Bait

Temptation How It Works sermon audio notes

Temptation How It Works: How to Recognize the Bait

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Temptation How It Works sermon audio notes