Gospel of Luke Chapter 1 video audio sermon notes

Gospel of Luke Chapter 1 video audio sermon notes. Here we have 5 messages from this chapter. So it’s a fairly detailed study verse by verse. We took this chapter to work the groundwork for the series. It was immediately apparent this would be a long study and it is.


by Delbert Young

Gospel of Luke Chapter 1 video audio sermon notes

Gospel of Luke Chapter 1 video audio sermon notes

That You May Know the Certainty sermon video audio notes Luke 1:1-4

Luke’s goal in The Gospel According to Luke is so we may know the certainty of the things we’ve been taught. It’s much easier to believe and tell others about things when we know the certainty of them. Allow Luke to convince you.

In The Time of sermon video audio notes Luke 1:5-25

After introducing his gospel to the most excellent Theophilus, Luke begins with these words, “In the time of…” God has a time for everything (Ecc 3:1). Nothing is a coincidence. You and I may have been a surprise to our parents, but you were not a surprise to God. Exactly at your appointed time, you were born. Our God controls what happens in time. God is Omniscient. He knows all things because he holds time in his hand.

Mary Mother of Jesus sermon video audio notes Luke 1:26-38

My wife and I raised a girl. Our daughter became an amazing mother, but she wasn’t twelve or fourteen years old. It’s impossible for me to imagine our daughter, at this age, raising any child much less God. I wonder what sort of a grandfather I would have been to Jesus. Make Mary Mother of Jesus, and her situation real, not fictitious. It’s important if you are going to see Emmanuel coming to humanity and crushing the head of the serpent. It was not a “fairy tale” easy. It was tough and complicated not only for young Mary mother of Jesus, but for everyone involved. We need an accurate picture of the teen to whom God sent Gabriel.

The Baby Leaped sermon video audio Luke 1:39-45

Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and then the baby leaped in her womb. The baby leaped and was alive. He was already named. His name was John given by God. He already had an important destiny in life. Luke didn’t write about how the “mass” leaped, or the “fetus” leaped. God saw a person created in his image and likeness, named, destined, and with all the dignity and rights any and every human being possessed and possesses. Every baby in every womb is known by God as John was known, named by God, predestined by God, hopefully, a man or woman of God as was John.

Magnify the Lord The Magnificat sermon notes Luke 1:48-56

We take a look at Mary’s song. We will learn much about Mary and hopefully much about ourselves. Hopefully, we will be challenged as to how we individually live out our relationship with God. Do we magnify the Lord?

Strong in Spirit sermon video audio notes Luke 1:41-77

John grew and became strong in spirit. Mom, do people say you grew strong in spirit? Dad, do people say you grew strong in spirit? This will determine if your children grow strong in spirit. The difference between God in a great life and a life not great is if we GREW STRONG IN SPIRIT.

Gospel of Luke Chapter 1 video audio sermon notes

Gospel of Luke Chapter 1 video audio sermon notes

Gospel of Luke Chapter 1 video audio sermon notes

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Sermons Change The World

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