Teach Us To Pray pt 1 Luke 11:1-2: How to Start a Prayer

Teach Us To Pray pt 1 Luke 11:1-2: How to Start a Prayer. Prayer is one of God’s greatest gifts, yet it is often misunderstood or neglected. Jesus modeled prayer for His disciples, showing that correct prayer requires learning, not just instinct. Observing Jesus, one disciple recognized his need for guidance and asked, “Lord, teach us to pray.” Jesus responded with a radical approach, teaching them to address God as “Father,” emphasizing relationship over ritual. He provided a framework, not a formula, highlighting seven key elements of prayer. This lesson reminds us that prayer is not about recitation but about authentic communication with our heavenly Father.


By Delbert Young

Here are 4 key points from this lesson:

1. Prayer requires learning and guidance; it’s not something we can just do without instruction.

2. Jesus taught his disciples to address God as “Father,” which was a radical approach at the time.

3. The Lord’s Prayer is not meant to be recited but rather a guide for what to pray about.

4. Jesus provided seven “Big Ideas” about prayer, covering different aspects of our relationship with God and others.

Teach Us To Pray pt 1 Luke 11:1-2: How to Start a Prayer

Lord Teach Us To Pray pt 1 Luke 11:1-2 audio video notes







Teach Us To Pray pt 1 Luke 11:1-2: How to Start a Prayer

Scriptures: Luke 11:1, Luke 11:2-4

Prayer is one of God’s greatest gifts, yet it is also one of the most unused, misused, abused, and misunderstood gifts. Most Christians simply don’t pray. We don’t take the time to pray, we don’t schedule it, and we certainly don’t schedule our lives around prayer, as did Jesus.

My not praying is like telling my wife I love her so she would marry me, but after we married, I never talked to her. We will pray when some horrific situation happens. Suddenly, we not only find time to pray but want those we know to pray. One would think that with the promise prayer brings into our lives, we would pray constantly, but we don’t. How many of us feel we could and should pray more? How many feel when we do pray, life goes better?

Teach Us To Pray pt 1 Luke 11:1-2: How to Start a Prayer

Correct prayer requires learning. I don’t know if we think this way. Most people think you should “just pray.” That would be like instructing someone who has never driven an automobile to “just drive.” We wouldn’t do that. “Just cook.” “Just read.” No. Learning is required. We need some guidance with important issues of life, and no issue is more important than prayer.

Luke 11:1 One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY, just as John taught his disciples.”

One of the life lessons Jesus displayed to his disciples was praying. He allowed them to see and observe him pray. Certain people should see us pray. I don’t mean standing on the corner as a Pharisaical hypocrite (Mat 6:5), but your children should see you pray. Your parents should see you praying. One of the inspirations of my life was and is watching my children pray and teaching their children to pray. Watching and listening to people you admire and respect pray is an inspiration as it was to this disciple. It’s a life lesson.

Teach Us To Pray pt 1 Luke 11:1-2: How to Start a Prayer

Interestingly, while observing Jesus, a disciple decided he wasn’t praying correctly. Think about this. These were Jewish people raised in an extremely religious society and very familiar with prayer. Certainly, he had scrutinized many Rabbis, Pharisees, and experts in praying. Certainly, he prayed himself, but obviously, there was something unique about the way Jesus prayed this disciple desired to learn. How about us? Do you want to learn?

It stuns me how we read this with Jesus only having a few months remaining to live.

It seems teaching his disciples to pray would be something already covered and taught. We see a truth. Jesus waited until they wanted to learn to pray. He waited until they asked. I’ve learned you can’t make people pray. I can’t even make myself pray. We must want to pray. We need to ask, “Lord, teach me to pray”

There are a lot of assumptions, rituals, and rites associated with prayer. Every religion seems to have its own way of praying, be it Christian, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. There is the shaking back and forward of the Jew, the “genuflect” of the Roman Catholic, the meditation of the Buddhist, the chanting of the Hindu, the prayer mat of the Muslim facing Mecca, the sign of the cross of the Catholic, the tongues of the Charismatic and Pentecostals, the need to kneel at an altar by the Baptist, etc.

Teach Us To Pray pt 1 Luke 11:1-2: How to Start a Prayer

We Christians attempt to pray just right so it will work, always ending in the magic words, “…in Jesus’ name.” Notice as we progress through the study none of the above are in the instructions Jesus gives. Jesus doesn’t even tell us to say, “Amen.”

In the verse we see John the Baptist obviously had a form of prayer different from the norm he taught his disciples in their attempt to reach God.

Apparently, Jesus’ prayer was different from John’s or anyone they’d seen pray prior. So, in this text, we see how and what Jesus, the Son of God, prayed.

Prayer usually becomes a “wish list.” We confuse “Santa” (and you know how I feel about Santa) with Father God (There are a lot of similarities with the white beard, my being naughty and nice, bringing me gifts, etc.). We are to make our request (Phi 4:6), but as we will see, there is much more we should pray.

Another thing prayer can become is a religious show. People use prayer to show their spirituality and “godliness.” They suddenly begin speaking in King James English. I’ve seen times when rather than prayer being a bowl of sweet incense brought by the angels before the Father (Rev 5:8), it becomes a religious “passing of gas” with the smell driving every angel of God and Father away.

Teach Us To Pray pt 1 Luke 11:1-2: How to Start a Prayer

So, how should we speak to the one who made us? That’s what the disciple asked. This is what we need to know and be confident in. What makes for an effective sweet-smelling prayer God loves and listens to? What was unique about the prayer of Jesus? Jesus laid it out for us and gave us a guide.

Luke 11:2-4 He said to them, “When you pray, say: “‘Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation.'”

One disciple asked to be taught, but Jesus said to them all. This prayer teaching is similar to the prayer teaching of Matthew 6:9-13 we’ve all recited and called the Lord’s Prayer. In Matthew 6, the background was Jesus teaching what we call the Sermon on the Mount. Here, the background was answering a question. Jesus streamlined here. He cut prayer down to the very essence. If you look at this passage in the King James Version, you will see words added not found in the original manuscript to make this more similar to Matthew (so much for the accuracy of the KJV).

Teach Us To Pray pt 1 Luke 11:1-2: How to Start a Prayer

This is not a prayer to recite. We should memorize it and be able to recite it, but its purpose is not to be a prayer. Its purpose is what we should pray about. The disciple didn’t ask, “Teach us a prayer.” Jesus didn’t say, “Here is a prayer you should pray.”

He gave us “Seven Big Ideas” about prayer. (1) Say something. Talk to God. (2) Say or talk to Father. (3) Say or talk about how you honor him. Hallowed be your name; (4) Say or talk about, his kingdom coming; (5) Say, or talk about, giving us our needs – daily bread; (6) Say, talk about, forgiveness – yours and people who sinned against you. (7) Say or talk about, leading us away from temptation. This is what God wants to talk about. We’re not done praying until we talk to Father about these seven things.

 (1) Luke 11:2 He said to them, “When you pray, SAY:

First, Jesus said, “say…” Someone said, “I don’t like to pray out loud. Isn’t it ok to pray inwardly?” Jesus said, “When you pray, SAY!” I know my wife loves me, but it’s way better when she tells me. I love her to “say” it, and I don’t like having to suspect she’s saying it inwardly. It’s significant to Jesus we say.

Teach Us To Pray pt 1 Luke 11:1-2: How to Start a Prayer

 (2) Luke 11:2 …say: FATHER

How do we speak to the one who made us? It should be the way we speak to our father. How radical and novel! The Greeks had a host of gods – Zeus, Atlas, Aphrodite, on and on. The basic concept of the Greek gods was these gods amused themselves by playing with humans like pieces on a chess board. You could pray to the gods, but it was always with the attitude of bargaining with a sacrifice.

To the Jewish people, the thinking of God was not much different. There was little interaction between mortals and God who would only speak to people through priests and prophets. Offerings and sacrifices were given to appease him so God would leave them alone.

Teach Us To Pray pt 1 Luke 11:1-2: How to Start a Prayer

Into this environment, Jesus came with a totally radical approach to prayer. Jesus said, “Say Father…” Matthew says “Our Father which art in heaven…” Here Jesus made it way more personal. It’s “my Father.” Prayer is about a relationship with Father God. Here, Jesus does not project a distant unapproachable God way out in heaven someplace. He’s where you live. There are no formalities (Heb 4:16 – boldly), no killing an animal, no washings prior to prayer, no rituals, no rhetoric, no pleading, just “Father, you are awesome.”

The Greek word for Father is pater {pat-ayr’} – the nearest ancestor, the authors of a family, a title of honor.

In the Aramaic, it’s Abba {ab-bah’} – the native language of Jesus – Abba is the family word. To us, it’s “Dad,” or “Daddy.” Jesus projects prayer similar to a child coming to their honorable dad – a good, loving, protective, caring father. My children did, and still do, come to me knowing I love them and a major portion of my life revolved around caring for them. I understand some here had abusive and neglecting fathers, but you recognize the ideal and that is what Jesus is projecting. It’s big to Jesus we say Father.

Teach Us To Pray pt 1 Luke 11:1-2: How to Start a Prayer

 (3) Luke 11:2 …say: “…HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME

Hallowed is not a word we use today – unless we are reciting the prayer. It’s the Greek word hagiazo {hag-ee-ad’-zo} – to separate from profane things, to purify, free from the guilt of sin. He’s the purest of Father. He’s special, and he’s the ideal Father, the perfect Father. This is used in both Luke and Matthew. We approach Father with the dignity he deserves. We are speaking to our perfect Father deserving the greatest respect we can summon.

It’s in prayer we honor Father God this way. Nothing else we do honors God as“hallowed.” Some people project they don’t want to “bother” God with their prayer. This is so wrong. It dishonors God to not pray. It honors him as the perfect Father when we come to him in prayer. When my children were young, much of their coming to me concerned things they wanted. Today, it’s much different. Today it’s for advice and the worth of my wisdom. This honors me. A short time ago, I was spending the Sunday with my son. As we stood talking, he asked me, “Dad, in hindsight what would you do differently leading our family.”

Of course, a myriad of thoughts came. He clarified saying he was attempting to emulate our home and wanted to know if there was anything he should do differently than I did it. He honored me bringing me into his life this way. We honor God when we pray bringing him into our lives. It’s big to Jesus for us to say, Father, hallowed be your name.

Teach Us To Pray pt 1 Luke 11:1-2: How to Start a Prayer

 (4) Luke 11:2 “When you pray, say: …YOUR KINGDOM COME.

It’s Father’s kingdom. He owns it and placed his eldest son, my brother, and Lord, as king. Surely, I’ve gotten the kingdom come thought across to us. We discussed it. A kingdom coming is not a sweet experience. A kingdom coming upon another kingdom is violent.

Matthew 11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.

Look back in scripture and see what happened as God’s kingdom came on Egypt, on Canaan, on Judaism. Praying “YOUR KINGDOM COME” is praying to come whatever violence necessary to bring Father God’s kingdom. I don’t think people understand what they are praying when they pray this.

Praying this for our lives suggests the same. Lord, do whatever violence you must do in my life necessary to bring your kingdom and Christ’s reign in me. Violently deal with me overthrowing every kingdom of darkness until your will be done. It’s big to Jesus to say, Father, hallowed be your name. You kingdom come.

Teach Us To Pray pt 1 Luke 11:1-2: How to Start a Prayer

 (5) Luke 11:3 “When you pray, say …GIVE US EACH DAY OUR DAILY BREAD.

Here is where we get to talk to Father about our needs. I truly do not want to be in a position to need to pray about where my next meal will come from, although for some it’s a must. I believe the point is we know we can depend upon Father for the basic need – food. If we can depend on him for food, then we can for all needs. Father desires we discuss what we want with him. It’s big to Jesus we say, Father, hallowed be your name. You kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread.

 (6) Luke 11:4 “When you pray, say …Forgive us our sins, FOR we also forgive everyone who sins against us…

Jesus died for the forgiveness of our sins past, present, and future, yet there is a continuing battle with sin (1Jo 1:8-2:2) requiring a continual confession of them. However, we can’t skip the conjunction – for. There’s a huge connection between our forgiveness by Father and our forgiving everyone. Forgiveness is not only something we receive. We are forgiven to forgive. It could just as easily read, “Forgive us our sins, BECAUSE we also forgive everyone.” Because we’ve been forgiven, we pay it forward to everyone who sins against us.

Teach Us To Pray pt 1 Luke 11:1-2: How to Start a Prayer

How many do we forgive? Everyone! That’s tough and accomplished in prayer. Can I lose my salvation and forgiveness if I don’t forgive? That’s not the meaning. The meaning is if you are forgiven, you will forgive. I admit. It’s one of the most difficult things to do, but because you’re forgiven, you forgive. It’s proof Jesus is within, and it’s big to Jesus we say, Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us…

 (7) Luke 11:4 …And lead us not into temptation.

This wording is strange. Father’s not going to lead me into temptation (Jam1:13-15). It’s better understood to “lead us away from temptation.” “Help me stay away from areas I will be tempted,” I remember my children (and grandchildren) being small and in a crowd. They couldn’t see and big people surrounded them. They would get close to me grabbing a finger wanting me to lead them through the maze of people and dangers. I still remember how it felt to have their tiny hand grab a finger, or their tiny hand be placed inside mine. That’s what a father does. He does his best to lead us through the maze. It’s big to Jesus,

Teach Us To Pray pt 1 Luke 11:1-2: How to Start a Prayer

Luke 11:2-4 “When you pray, say: “‘Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation.'”

As I personally pray through these 7 Big Ideas, different issues erupt as I say and talk with Father. One day, I may have someone who injured me and I need to talk about forgiving them. Another day, I may have what I consider a desperate need. Another day I may find myself talking about a temptation. It’s not a recital. It’s a discussion with Father about my life and what I do to bring his kingdom. Prayer is not rote, a ritual, or a recital. It’s a relationship.

Teach Us To Pray pt 1 Luke 11:1-2: How to Start a Prayer

Lord Teach Us To Pray pt 1 Luke 11:1-2 audio video notes

Teach Us To Pray pt 1 Luke 11:1-2: How to Start a Prayer

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