The Gospel of Luke Chapter 12

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 12 audio video notes. We broke this chapter down into five messages: Yeast of the Pharisees, Greed How to be a Successful Fool, War of Worry, The Coming of the Lord, and Peace at any Price No. The Coming of the Lord is one of my favorite topics. Why? Because I don’t believe as most people believe about it, and I can Scripturally back up why I don’t. I personally believe we have been handed a bunch of garbage concealed as doctrine (leaven) in the Yeast of the Pharisees. 

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 12

by Delbert Young

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 12 audio video notes

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 12 video audio sermon notes

Yeast of the Pharisees sermon video audio notes Luke 12:1-9

This is worse than their being hypocrites. The warning is beware their stuff doesn’t get inside you – in your head or in your heart. Once in it’s like yeast (leaven) in bread. It permeates, infuses, and saturates. It’s necessary to realize we are all being yeasted by someone (or someones). I’m attempting to yeast you at this very moment. It’s how we learn and change. All yeasting is not bad. Jesus’ warning to all is Be on guard against the yeast of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy.

Greed How to be a Successful Fool sermon video audio notes Luke 12:10-21

The man appeared to be a successful wise business man. God said he is a fool! If I counted correctly, there are six uses of ‘I’ and four uses of ‘my,’ so ten times in those few sentences he speaks of and speaks to himself about his possessions. The heart of a greed is all about I and my. There is no place for God.

War of Worry sermon video audio notes (Luke 12:22-34)

Does worry and anxiety add a single hour to life? Do you think worry and anxiety could do the opposite? Could it possibly take hours from life? Instead of making life better, it takes from life. Stress and anxiety cause our blood pressure to rise, cause loss of sleep. Major health problems are stress and anxiety related. It’s a war.

The Coming of the Lord sermon video audio notes Luke 12:35-48

How wise are we concerning the coming of the Lord? I don’t mean how much theology and eschatology we know. I mean how wise are we concerning it? Are we dressed and ready? Have we turned the lights out? Are we anticipating the coming of the Lord? All I know is Jesus is giving a dire warning and we all need to be wise about the coming of the Lord and the end. We’ve made it a doctrine to argue rather than an event to anticipate and experience.

Peace at any Price No sermon video audio notes Luke 12:49-53

Jesus is the Prince of Peace, but peace does not mean the absence of conflict even in family. Peace is calm confidence through conflict and division even in family. Jesus does not allow “peace at any price.” It’s hypocrisy. One of the saddest events to observe is family division. However, Jesus assures us it will happen when people become serious about him and no one is left out – father, son, mother, daughter, in-laws, out-laws. Every person who follows Jesus will have a personal relational price to pay. This included Jesus with his own family.

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 12 audio video notes

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 12 audio video notes

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 12 audio video notes

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