The Gospel of Luke Chapter 24 audio video notes. We end our study with these three messages: Resurrection HE HAS RISEN!, Easter Nonsense?, and He Opened Their Minds So They Could Understand the Scriptures. Easter Nonsense was a fun message. So many things we Christians do seem to be nonsense, especially the resurrection. The disciples thought the resurrection was nonsense after being told several times by Jesus it would happen. However, they went on to change the world. It should give us great hope we we doubt and think things are only nonsense.
by Delbert Young
The Gospel of Luke Chapter 24 audio video notes
Resurrection HE HAS RISEN! video audio notes Luke 24:1-12
Think about it. You enter the tomb. The body you came to tediously care for is gone. Standing there perplexed, two fluorescent guys pop into the tomb beside you. What do you do? Scream? Pass out? You think, “I’m about to die! I’m going to fall to the ground face down like an Ostrich.” The two glowing dudes begin talking! “Remember he told you he would rise the third day.” How well could you really be listening? They got the primary part: ‘HE HAS RISEN!’ Poof! The glowing dudes are gone. As fear faded they must have thought, ‘Did we just see angels! We did, right? Joanna, did you see…? They talked to us, right Mary? You heard them didn’t you?’
EASTER NONSENSE? video audio notes Luke 24:13-32
Have supernatural things like the resurrection and angels ever seemed like NONSENSE to you? How about being dunked into water, speaking in tongues, or raising your hands to praise God? We Christians believe some strange things. Do you know people who say it seems like NONSENSE to them? Atheists say it’s a myth and NONSENSE. These things probably have seemed like NONSENSE to all of us to some degree. Are they? Is there a supernatural world around us, or is it all just NONSENSE? What do you think? Easter Nonsense?
He Opened Their Minds So They Could Understand the Scriptures – video Luke 24:33-53
Jesus asked, “Why do doubts rise in your minds?” Jesus tells us to use our minds to believe, not doubt. Over the next forty days, Jesus opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures and blended this with his commission. Jesus took what we call the Old Testament (it was all they had) and he showed them how to use all the Scriptures to preach Christ to all nations. The Lord desires to open the Scriptures to us.
The Gospel of Luke Chapter 24 audio video notes
The Gospel of Luke Chapter 24 audio video notes
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