Simply Irresistible Kingdom Series: How to Draw All People

Simply Irresistible Kingdom Series: How to Draw All People explores the magnetic nature of Jesus and His kingdom. Jesus was an irresistible figure who attracted multitudes with His message and personality. Even after His crucifixion, Jesus promised to draw all people to Himself. This series emphasizes that the church should embody this irresistible quality, creating environments that attract people to God’s kingdom. It highlights the power of truth, peace, and strategic ministry to make the church simply irresistible. The goal is to cultivate an awe-inspiring community that, like the early church, can turn the world upside down for Christ.

Simply Irresistible Kingdom Series: How to Draw All People

Simply Irresistible Kingdom sermon series notes

Simply Irresistible Kingdom Series: How to Draw All People

Irresistible Best – How to Create an Awe-Inspiring Church Experience – sermon notes

I want to talk about the kingdom of God and its irresistible nature. When Jesus was on the earth, he was irresistible. People came from all around to see and hear him. They marveled at Jesus. People loved him or hated him, but they could not ignore him. They could not marginalize him. He was an irresistible person with an irresistible message and an irresistible personality. He was a massive distraction to Pharisaical religion. It was because he was irresistible that the religious system had to get rid of him.

However, Jesus said that if they did get rid of him, he would be even more irresistible. It’s in the Simply Irresistible Kingdom sermon series.

Irresistible Life – How to Live an Irresistibly Attractive Life – sermon notes

I believe with all my heart that the kingdom of God and the church should be irresistible. The church should be a strategic group of irresistible environments—irresistible children’s ministries, youth ministries, adult ministries, praise/worship, teaching, etc. Jesus was irresistible. Every place he went, he strategically made irresistible environments for people to enjoy, which allowed him to minister to them and for them to enter the kingdom. It’s in the Simply Irresistible Kingdom sermon series.

Irresistible Truth – How to Expose Falsehoods with Irresistible Facts – sermon notes

Irresistible Truth – Jesus is drawing every person. No one is immune to the draw of Jesus. A primary reason is that Jesus knew that truth was irresistible. We believe that the church should be simply irresistible. When people come, they should experience strategic environments that cause them to want to return even if they have not received Jesus as Lord and Savior. Every part of their experience should be so excellent that they cannot help but return. We should be able to draw all men. It’s in the Simply Irresistible Kingdom sermon series.

Irresistible Peace – How to Cultivate Unshakable Calm – sermon notes

Irresistible Peace  – Jesus is drawing every person. No one is immune to the draw of Jesus. Every person experiences the draw to the kingdom of God. There should be no contest on Sunday when we wake as to whether we will attend church. It was this way with Jesus. Multitudes came to him. Children flocked to him. The church should be so enjoyable it is SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE. It should be that way, but sadly, it often is not. Why? Some people never open up and help make the church that way.

If every person opened up and did what they should do, nothing could stop the church, not even hell. It’s in the Simply Irresistible Kingdom sermon series.

[John 12:32] And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will DRAW all men [ALL PEOPLE] unto me.

There is an irresistible DRAW about the kingdom of God. The Greek word translated draw in John 12:32 is the Greek word helkuo (Strong’s #1670) and means “to drag (lit. or fig.).”

Allow me to clarify what I mean by IRRESISTIBLE. No one is immune to the draw. Jesus said that he would draw [drag] all men. Every person experiences the draw. They may appear to reject it, but they will experience it again and again. It may have taken more than one draw time for you, but you came in. If a person rejects once, it does not mean they totally rejected Jesus. God draws them a little closer each time. Finally, Father drags them on in. How many of us have seen that happen?

Perhaps it was a friend, a spouse, or a child, but they came in. His word is true and Jesus said that he would draw all men. Trust it. Believe it. It is true.

I believe that the kingdom of God and the church should be SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE. It was in Acts 2.

Acts 2:43 EVERYONE WAS FILLED WITH AWE, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles.

I believe there should be awe of the church. The gospel of the kingdom was irresistible as it was preached throughout the world.

Acts 17:6 …These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also

Church, done correctly, should turn a region upside down. The Bible says that we are the body of Christ. If we are doing our job, then we should be irresistible and turn this region upside down. What we are doing for the kingdom of God is the most important thing happening on the planet. Nothing is more important than advancing the kingdom of God and reaching souls.

Simply Irresistible Kingdom Series: How to Draw All People

Storm Rock and Sand audio video notes

Simply Irresistible Kingdom Series: How to Draw All People

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