Forgiveness Matters: The Tale of the Unmerciful Servant

Friend At Midnight

Unmerciful Servant notes. The servant was delivered to the tormentors till he should pay. How could he pay all he owed? The only way was to forgive the debt of his fellowservant. The only release for the unmerciful servant was to forgive the debt. Then Jesus said, So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also …

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The Forming of a Fool: Lessons from Luke 12

Friend At Midnight

Forming of a Fool notes. Fools are not born. Fools are fashioned and formed. It may surprise you the King James’ version uses the word fool sixty-six times. God has much to say about the fool. The definition of a fool is a person who acts rashly by making decisions without reflection or thought. However, …

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The Religious Person and the Sinner: A Biblical Insight

Friend At Midnight

Religious Person and the Sinner notes. The Lord said a religious person who thinks they are holier than thou gag me. They stink and make me cough. I want to get away from them. This parable is about a person with a religious attitude. We all know such people. My prayer is we are not …

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The Door to the Sheepfold: Finding Safety and Security in Faith

Friend At Midnight

Door to the Sheepfold notes. In some situations, the sheepfold was a large area used by more than one shepherd. A porter (guard) was placed at the door (gate). When the shepherd came, the porter would open the door. The shepherd would walk in and call his own sheep by name. The sheep would respond …

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The Significance of the Blind Leading the Blind Parable

Friend At Midnight

Blind Leading the Blind notes. The Lord was not mocking the physically disabled. He was using this obvious example for his parable illustration. If you can imagine a person coming up to a blind man and saying, ‘Sir you are so blind! You can’t see anything. Will you teach me how to be this blind? …

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The Heart of the Evangelist: The Lost Sheep Adventure

Friend At Midnight

The Lost Sheep Adventure notes. In response to the Pharisees’ murmuring, Jesus told a parable. He used common objects to teach how his kingdom works. A man had one hundred sheep. He discerned one of them was missing. This one lost sheep became his focus. This one lost sheep was on his mind. He wanted …

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How Traditions of Men Can Hinder Your Spiritual Growth

Friend At Midnight

   Traditions of Men notes. Unwashen hands were a tradition of men. The danger of the traditions of men is they remove the effect of the word of God. Some of us need healing in our bodies. Could it be traditions of men hinder healing? Could it be traditions of men stop the financial breakthrough …

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Speaking Life – The Importance of Speak No Evil

Overcoming Negative Words

Speak No Evil sermon notes. If we really want to enjoy life, we must keep our tongue from speaking evil about anyone. We will eat the consequences. We think we are only hurting the person we are talking about, but in reality, we are poisoning our very own lives and futures. POWER OF WORDS By …

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Claiming Victory – Speak to Your Mountains Audio Notes

Overcoming Negative Words

Speak to Your Mountains sermon notes. Some of you have prayed and prayed about a situation – a mountain. You should pray, but there comes a time when you must speak to it. I know you pray about your circumstances, but do you speak to them? Praying is great, but don’t stop there. Go one …

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Magnify the Lord – The Magnificat Luke 1:48-56: Ultimate Song

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Magnify the Lord – The Magnificat Luke 1:48-56: Ultimate Song sermon notes. We take a look at Mary’s song. We will learn much about Mary and hopefully much about ourselves. Hopefully, we will be challenged as to how we individually live out our relationship with God. Do we magnify the Lord? THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO …

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