Know Certainty of Entrance – How to Know the Lord

Storm Rock and Sand

Know Certainty of Entrance notes. We can know the certainty of entrance into the kingdom of heaven. We have been talking about it for months. The kingdom is not something that will come one day. It is here, and we are to seek to enter it now. Sermon On The Mount Sermon Series Know Certainty …

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Heart Attitudes – How to Heal Our Hearts

Storm Rock and Sand

Heart Attitudes sermon notes. During the adventure of life, each of us will have an opportunity to forgive someone who has stabbed us. We must forgive. Not forgiving is like the broken-off point of a knife working its way to our hearts. It will not injure the person who did the stabbing; it will only …

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Finding Hope in God’s Plan Pruning and Rainbow

Plan Pruning Rainbow sermon notes

Finding Hope in God’s Plan Pruning and Rainbow sermon notes. God has a plan for you. There will be times of pruning, but there is fruit and a rainbow. The Lord has a great plan for you. It’s a plan for your good and not for your evil. It’s a plan that will give you …

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Pentecost the Hope of the World

Personal Preparation For Pentecost audio

Pentecost the Hope of the World message notes. People have no idea what Pentecost is actually about. Is it something emotional, extreme, a denominational movement, or tongues? Or, is Pentecost the hope of the world? Pentecost the Hope of the World By Pastor Delbert Young Scriptures: Acts 2:1-4, John 16:7-8, Acts 2:41-42, 44, 46-47 Pentecost …

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New Horizons: The Power of a Paradigm


The Paradigm sermon notes. How many would like to see our church become the paradigm – the example church, the model church, the pattern church, the church setting the standard, and the prototype church? New Horizons: The Power of a Paradigm by Pastor Young Scriptures: Romans 8:28, Matthew 4:23, John 3:3-5, Matthew 4:23, John 10:10, …

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Ordinary or Extraordinary sermon notes

Ordinary or Extraordinary sermon series

Ordinary or Extraordinary sermon notes. Ordinary people live ordinary lives and die ordinary deaths never changing or affecting anything or anyone. Extraordinary people live extraordinary lives and affect and change something. I have never been ordinary. My name is not ordinary. Nothing about me is ordinary. Our church is not ordinary. How about you? Ordinary …

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How Can I Know sermon notes

Offering in One Accord audio

How Can I Know sermon notes. How Can You Know God will do what he said he would do? But Abram said, ‘O Sovereign Lord, How Can I Know that I will gain possession of it?’ So, How Can You Know? How did Abram know? How did Abram stop doubting and know? Let’s see. Offering …

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Noah the Man Who Found Grace Series

Noah's Nakedness

Noah the Man Who Found Grace Series. God’s patience for repentance of wickedness is long but always limited. It is at this time we meet an end-time generation and a man named Noah. Noah the Man Who Found Grace Series by Delbert Young Noah the Man Who Found Grace Series . Perfect In His Generations …

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Unveiling the Truth about Noah’s Nakedness

Noah's Nakedness

Noah’s Nakedness sermon notes. Ham failed to do the proper thing – cover his dad. That failure reaped terrible consequences, and not for Ham only. The major lesson is Ham’s actions brought a curse upon his generations. NOAH By Pastor Delbert Young Noah’s Nakedness Scriptures: Hebrews 11:7, 2 Peter 2:5, Genesis 7:1, Genesis 7:23, Genesis …

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Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord

Noah's Nakedness

Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord sermon notes. Noah was not normal for his day. See, Noah was abnormal because Noah found saving grace in the eyes of the Lord. Also, Noah’s family was not normal. Noah would be called a “fanatic” today. Noah’s call was not normal because Noah did not …

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