Perfect in His Generations Noah’s Profound Life

Noah's Nakedness

Perfect In His Generations sermon notes. God’s patience for repentance of wickedness is long but always limited. It is at this time we meet Noah though perfect in his generations, it was an end-time generation.  NOAH By Pastor Delbert Young Perfect In His Generations Scriptures: Genesis 6:8-9, Job 1:6, 2:1; Numbers 13:33, Deuteronomy 7:2-3 Perfect …

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My Father Your Father sermon notes

Prayer sermon video audio

My Father Your Father sermon notes. Jesus became very tired of the religious system giving false impressions of his Father. He told their religious system they had a problem. Their father was not the same as His Father. Jesus stood and said to them how the stuff they said and taught was not of the …

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The Hidden Treasure and Priceless Pearl: Unraveling Kingdom Secrets

Parables of the kingdom

The Hidden Treasure and Priceless Pearl: Unraveling Kingdom Secrets sermon video audio notes. Both parables teach us the incomparable value of the kingdom. The treasure in the field is Christ, the Son of man, but he’s hidden in his kingdom, the field, and the oyster shell. The pearl of great value is Christ, the Son …

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Shock Advised sermon notes

Shock Advised sermon notes

Shock Advised sermon notes. So, my EMT friend Daryl brought out a defibrillator. Basically, two wires come from the defibrillator with two pads at the end of the wires, which are stuck, on either side of the heart. Firstly, the shocker begins analyzing and evaluating the condition of the heart. Accordingly, if no heartbeat is …

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I Am What I Think, Period sermon notes

Shock Advised sermon notes

I Am What I Think, Period sermon notes. Why are people overweight? They think too much about eating. Why is a person not overweight? They do not think too much about eating. Why is a person an alcoholic? They think too much about drinking alcohol. Why is a person not an alcoholic? When we think …

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The Lord Looks At What: How to See the Heart

Shock Advised sermon notes

The Lord Looks At What: How to See the Heart notes. Have you ever said or heard someone say something like, ‘You know the Lord looks at the heart?’ What in the world does this mean? Why does the Lord look at the heart? What does he see when he analyzes my heart? What answers …

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Intelligent Praise: How to Engage Mind and Spirit

Intelligent Praise Part 2 sermon notes

Intelligent Praise sermon series notes. For God is the King of all the earth: sing ye praises with UNDERSTANDING. Biblical praise should be fun, exciting, exuberant, fulfilling, and enjoyable. We should enjoy the music and the goosebumps. However, praise should accomplish something. Praise should be with intelligence. This type of praise will change a great …

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Fishers For The Kingdom sermon

Fishers For The Kingdom sermon notes

Fishers For The Kingdom sermon notes. The rod and the reel, the bait, and the net do not determine where the bait, lure, or cast is placed. It is determined by the master. So is it with us in the kingdom? Also, the locations where we find ourselves are divinely orchestrated, and we should be …

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Children Of This World Wiser Than We Sermon notes

Children Of This World Wiser Than We. The master told this guy he was really slick. The guy acted shrewdly with money! He was a brilliant crook. How can this be? Jesus answered The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. They shouldn’t be. We need to learn …

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Engrafted Word of God sermon notes

Engrafted Word of God

Engrafted Word of God sermon notes. It is able to save my soul. Does it mean if I own a Bible my soul is saved? Of course, it doesn’t. The soul is saved by applying its principles to my soul. It must become a part of me. It must root, grow, and bring fruit into …

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