Unlocking the Truth: You and the Tomb Easter Exploration

You and the Tomb

You and the Tomb Easter sermon notes. What really happened that Easter Sunday morning? I know what believers think happened, but what do you think? It is a historical fact that the body was gone. The tomb was empty that Sunday morning, but what really happened? Did the disciples steal the body to make it …

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You Would Die Friday: Finding Meaning in the Final Days

What if you knew you would die Friday

What if You Knew You Would Die Friday at 3 o’clock notes. What if you knew that you had less than one week to live? How would you act? What if this was your last Sunday? Would you do anything differently? What if You Knew You would Die Friday at 3 o’clock? PALM SUNDAY By …

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Seasons and Souls for the New Year

Seasons and Souls

Seasons and Souls for the New Year sermon notes. Some of us came to Jesus in a strange season of our souls. Some of the people we know will experience strange situations this year. Can you be the one Jesus will send to them? Will we be ready? New Year Sermon Seasons and Souls By …

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What is Your Perception for a New Year?

Perception New Year sermon notes

Perception New Year sermon notes. Because we’ve danced together – done some life together – doesn’t mean we have the same perception. Just because we are both Christians doesn’t mean we have the same perception. Each of us will have the opportunity to alter someone’s perception this year toward Jesus Christ and toward Life Gate …

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Prayer for the New Year sermon notes

Prayer for the New Year sermon notes

Prayer for the New Year sermon notes. Prayer in this dimension is with authority using faith. We do not beg or even ask. It is speaking to situations and circumstances commanding them to obey. New Year Sermon Prayer for the New Year By Delbert Young Scriptures: John 3:3-5, Romans 6:3, Revelation 8:3-4, Mark 11:22-25 Prayer …

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Light A Candle NEW YEAR sermon notes

Light A Candle NEW YEAR sermon notes

Light A Candle NEW YEAR sermon notes. Jesus said we are not to light a candle and put it under a bushel. What does this mean? We are to position our lives to give the most light. NEW YEARS SERMON By Pastor Delbert Young NEW YEAR – Light A Candle Light A Candle NEW YEAR …

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The Stone Cometh Preface notes

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

The Stone Cometh Preface notes. Jesus said the Stone would come upon Judaism. Jesus said “this generation” (Mat 23:36) not a generation thousands of years following. Their antichrist system (1Jo 2:22; 1Jo 4:3; 2Jo 1:7) rejected the Stone, not our generation. However, their rejection did not stop Christ from being the Stone, the head of …

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The Truth About What Is Christmas Really All About Revealed

What is Christmas really about

What Is Christmas Really All About sermon notes. It depends on whom you ask. We think we know, don’t we? It’s a great question when you get serious and observe what people think Christmas is really all about. CHRISTMAS The Truth About What Is Christmas Really All About Revealed by Delbert Young Scriptures: Luke 2:8-14 …

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Unlocking the Secrets of Friend At Midnight: Audio & Video

Friend At Midnight

Friend At Midnight audio video notes. This parable is about prayer. However, it is not a lesson on prayer for just anyone. It is for the disciple of Christ. Jesus is taking what they/we already knew/know about prayer and raising it to a new dimension. PARABLES OF JESUS By Pastor Delbert Young Friend At Midnight …

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Understanding the Significance of the Ten Virgins part 1 Parable

Friend At Midnight

Ten Virgins part 1 notes. This is a parable needing interpretation using the customs of the times and by using context. It simply will not make any sense to attempt to interpret it with today’s customs or today’s dispensational theology. For example, why would the Lord marry ten virgins? Why would he ask ten virgins …

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