Thanksgiving Sermons Page: A Powerful Force for Gratitude

Thanksgiving Sermons Page: A Powerful Force for Gratitude. Thanksgiving sermons serve as a potent catalyst for cultivating gratitude in our lives. While often associated with a U.S. holiday, the biblical concept of thanksgiving transcends cultural boundaries, representing a transformative force applicable to all. These sermons emphasize the importance of developing a consistently thankful attitude, highlighting how gratitude can prepare the way for blessings, enhance joy, and even change circumstances. By exploring themes of reflection, perseverance through adversity, and the impact of thankfulness on various aspects of life, these teachings encourage a deeper understanding and practice of gratitude beyond just one day of the year.

By Pastor Delbert Young

Thanksgiving Sermons Page

Thanksgiving Sermons Page: A Powerful Force for Gratitude

Be Thankful for Thanksgiving If I Could Do It Again – video audio notes

We should be thankful for and plan as if our loved ones will always be here, but we should know they may not be here next Thanksgiving. What is the one thing they would like for you to do for them? If you will do that one thing, you will have no regrets. When asked, ‘If I Could Do It Again …’ you will be able to say, ‘I would change nothing. I did it well. I went because I wanted to, and I was joyful.’ One of our Thanksgiving Sermons.

Thanksgiving Preparing the Way – How to Cultivate a Grateful Heart video audio

Remaining thankful will prepare the way for our blessings. Giving Thanks is mandatory if we want the blessings of God in and on our lives. Proper preparation to give thanks will result in greater blessings from God. One of our Thanksgiving Sermons.

Thanksgiving Sermons Page

Thanksgiving Take Time: Reflecting on the Importance of Gratitude – video audio notes

The continued blessings from the Lord tomorrow depend upon how we take time to be thankful today. Take time to give thanks. Future harvests will come because we are thankful for today’s harvest. If we are not enjoying good harvests today, it may be because we were not thankful for yesterday’s harvest. Also, our joy is related to taking time to be thankful. We can notice that a person who is not joyful is not a thankful person. One of our Thanksgiving Sermons.

Thanksgiving Three Times A Day: Finding Gratitude in Adversity– give thanks – video audio notes

Daniel thanked God three times every day for something. However, developing a grateful lifestyle was not easy for Daniel. As a young boy, a foreign army destroyed his city, nation, and temple, killed his family, took Daniel into slavery, and made Daniel a eunuch. You just think you have a bad circumstance. How could Daniel find anything for which to be thankful? He learned the power of thanksgiving. One of our Thanksgiving Sermons.

The Transformative Power of Thanksgiving: Be Thankful Now – video audio notes

Thanksgiving is a day to be thankful for our country and life, but does anyone really stop and be thankful on Thanksgiving? God’s children are to be thankful people, but often, we are not even when things are going our way. The Lord God miraculously delivered the children of Israel. They lived supernatural lives, but were they thankful? No. They grumbled. They complained. And what did it get them? It got them a life of wilderness wandering. One of our Thanksgiving Sermons.

Thanksgiving Sermons Page

Unthankful Stinkers: What Happened to Thanksgiving Gratitude? – video audio notes

Our parents and grandparents seemed to be able to be truly thankful. They had far less than we do today concerning conveniences and luxuries. However, they seemed to be much more thankful than we are today. What happened? Why does our nation seem so ungrateful and thankless today? There are probably several reasons, but I do know one reason. One of our Thanksgiving Sermons.

Powers of Thanksgiving – How to Embrace a Life of Gratitude – sermon video audio notes

There are powers in thanksgiving to 1) bring peace, 2) take you into your Promised Land, 3) change circumstances, 4) make you shine and have a supernatural life, 5) change or save your marriage, 6) affect your family; 7) could save your occupation; and 8) bless your church. One of our Thanksgiving Sermons.

Thanksgiving Sermons Page – video audio notes

Thanksgiving Sermons Page - video audio notes

Thanksgiving Sermons Page – video audio notes

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Sermons Change The World

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