What Do You Have In Your House?

What Do You Have In Your House? sermon video audio notes. Elisha asked the widow ‘what do you have in your house?’ She had nothing but a little oil. The oil turned into a miracle. Jesus said fill the jars in the house with water. They turned into a miracle. There’s a miracle in your house too. What Do You Have In Your House?

By Pastor Delbert Young

What Do You Have In Your House?

What Do You Have In Your House? sermon video audio notes





What Do You Have In Your House? sermon video audio notes

Scriptures: 2 Peter 1:3-4, Matthew 14:17-18, Exodus 4:2, John 21:6, John 2:6-7, Genesis 1:2, Proverbs 25:2, 2 Kings 4:2, 2 Kings 4:3, 2 Kings 4:4-7, Mark 4:24

How many of us believe in the miraculous? Does God desire to intervene in our lives by miracles and the supernatural, or is life a ‘Que sera, sera: whatever will be, will be’? Would you show me by the raising of your hands if you believe God desires to intervene in our lives with miracles and the supernatural? Good. Now, how many believe that God sets a limit on miracles and you can “limit out” on the miraculous happening in your life? No. You can have miracles every day. Okay, one more question. How many believe that there is a miracle in you? What I mean is do you believe there is a miracle-working power in you to bring forth the miraculous and supernatural things you both need and want? Well, there is.

2 Peter 1:3 His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

2 Peter 1:4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature

That verse says that, as we know more about Jesus, a divine power works in us that produces a divine nature. Then, all you have to do is go out and gather all the exceeding great and precious promises. In other words, there is a miracle in you! The child of God has been given the Holy Spirit with his power. You have the same Spirit in you that raised Christ from the dead.

What Do You Have In Your House? sermon video audio notes

In you is the miracle that you need. Some need a miracle in health. Some need a miracle in finances. Others need a miracle in their families, or with a child or children. Some need a miracle with business, or at work. Some need a miracle in deliverance from a habit or addiction. If you don’t need a miracle today, you will tomorrow, or in days to come. Some place and at some time, every person will need to release the miraculous power of God availed to them and I want to say this. You don’t have to be in crisis to experience a miracle. Many of the miracles in the Bible happened simply because God wanted to bless his children.

For the next few weeks, I want to talk about EXPECTING THE MIRACULOUS in your life.

I believe there is a miracle in every person. Also, I believe there is a miracle in every circumstance. Furthermore, I believe there is a miracle in every heart’s desire. Moreover, I believe there is a miracle in every house. So, today I want to talk about WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR HOUSE?

It is interesting that many of the miracles in the Bible began with or used something that was already available to the person needing the miracle. Jesus told the disciples to bring him the 5 loaves and 2 fish that they already had.

Matthew 14:17 “We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.

Matthew 14:18 “Bring them here to me,” he said.

Bring Jesus what you already have. He fed more than 5,000 people by beginning with the seed of those five loaves and two fish that they already had. There was a miracle in those five loaves and two fish. This wasn’t a crisis miracle. God wanted to bless his people. What do you or your child have that has a miracle already in it?

What Do You Have In Your House? sermon video audio notes

When Moses desperately needed to know that he could do what God was calling him to do, God asked Moses what was already in his hand.

Exodus 4:2 And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod.

Moses took that rod that he already had and worked miracle after miracle in Egypt and in the wilderness. It was with the rod he already had in his hand that he opened the Red Sea. There were miracles in that rod. What’s in your hand that has a miracle in it? God wants to use you to deliver your loved ones. There is something already in your hand that has miracles in it.

Jesus told Peter to cast the net that he already had, and I might add that Peter had mended many times, on the other side of the boat.

John 21:6 And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.

This was a financial miracle. Peter didn’t need all those fish to eat. They would sell them and prosper. Peter had a financial breakthrough with that net that he already had. There was a miracle in that cast net. You already have something in your possession that will bring you a financial breakthrough. What is it?

What Do You Have In Your House? sermon video audio notes

Jesus was asked to help provide wine at a wedding.

John 2:6 Nearby stood six stone water jars…

John 2:7 Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim.

Jesus used jars and water that were already in the house and turned water into wine. There was a miracle in that water and in those jars. We don’t have to be in a crisis to experience a miracle. In that situation, Jesus didn’t want his loved ones to be embarrassed. God will do something supernatural for you simply so you will not be embarrassed. God wants us to live a life that enjoys miracles all the time and in all situations.


What is it that you need or want from God today? Very likely the key to the miracle you need is already in your possession. People miss miracles because they are waiting for their miracles to float down from heaven. Has that ever happened? I mean has that ever happened in the history of miracles? Has a miracle ever actually floated down from heaven? Even with manna “from heaven,” we are never told that it literally came down from heaven. Actually, it seems the Lord used dew to make the manna a miracle.

Exodus 16:14 When the dew was gone, thin flakes like frost on the ground appeared on the desert floor.

Your miracle is not going to float down from heaven, but it will be found under the dew – under something already there. The people went out and gathered up their miracle every day. Can we have a miracle every day? I want to help us lift the dew and gather our miracles. What Do You Have In Your House?

What Do You Have In Your House? sermon video audio notes

Most likely the miracle you need or want will not come from the creation of something new, but rather from the multiplication of something you already have. The Lord God even did this in the miracle of what we call creation.

Genesis 1:2 And the earth WAS without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

You remember what happened. The Lord took what he already had, though it didn’t have any form and was hidden by darkness, and from that he made a world that was good in every way. What we call creation actually began with something that God already had.

Your miracle is there. (PA– USE) It will come from combining your divine nature with what you already have. It might not be exactly where you think it should be and it may not look exactly the way you think it should look, but don’t be too quick and give up on it. Don’t look over it. We miss our miracles by not looking in the places that the Lord puts them.

Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings.

Your miracle is someplace. It may be under the dew or in the darkness, but as you gain knowledge of God and release your divine nature, you will experience the miraculous. It may be a rod in your hand, fish and loaves that your child has, an old mended cast net, or a water jar in the corner, but it is there. Search it out and find it.

What Do You Have In Your House? sermon video audio notes


I believe that allowing people to see a God of miracles and the supernatural is necessary to reach this region. People want to see the supernatural God of the Bible. Mohammad never worked miracles. Buddha never gave his followers miracles. Our God has always given his people miracles. Do you need a miracle? Would you want a miracle? Do you think you might ever need a miracle? WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR HOUSE?

In 2 Kings 4, the Bible tells a story about a woman who needed a financial miracle. Her husband had died and she was afraid that her sons were about to be taken from her. She came to Elisha and explained her situation.

2 Kings 4:2 Elisha replied to her, “How can I help you? Tell me, WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR HOUSE?” “Your servant has nothing there at all,” she said, “except a little oil.”

There are some wonderful principles in that story, but I just want to amplify our thought.


The woman came to Elisha and Elisha asked, “WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR HOUSE?” The woman first said, “Your servant has NOTHING there at all…” That’s what we do often time. We don’t see the potential in what we do have and in what is in us – the divine nature. As nearly a second thought, the woman added, “…except a little oil.” That “little oil” was the beginning of her miracle. There was a miracle in that “little oil.” You have more that God can work with than we think.

What Do You Have In Your House? sermon video audio notes

I came into the kingdom of God in 1978. The Lord began dealing with me about getting my life in order and one of the things he wanted in order were my finances. I can remember beating on my desk with my fist after paying bills and seeing how little money, if any, was left. We were in debt and I had a son about ready for college, but had no funds to send him. We were living week to week and I desperately wanted to be debt free. Judy and I decided that we would try something. We prayed and felt to take what we already had and see if a miracle would happen. We had a house that we had been purchasing for 10 years and had never refinanced, so there was some equity and we had two acres of land – five loaves and two fish.

Our plan was to sell our 1400 square feet home, and with the equity build a totally new 2600 square feet house. The problem was, there wasn’t enough equity to build that new house, at least not enough money in the natural, but in the supernatural anything was possible. I was like the woman with the “little oil.” I borrowed help from anywhere I could. Our entire family worked on that house. I had relatives and friends and church people help me. I would feed them steak dinners if they would come help me. We began pouring ourselves out and the oil did not cease until the house was built. Miraculously, 6 months later we moved into that totally new 2600 square feet house fully furnished with new appliances and we were totally debt-free. There was literally a miracle IN MY HOUSE!


2 Kings 4:3 Elisha said, “Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars…

Elisha told the woman to “Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars.” Our miracle involves our doing something. Peter had to cast his net on the other side. The man born blind had to go to the pool of Siloam and wash the mud from his eyes. We had to labor and work. There are some instructions to follow and some GOING to do if you want your miracle. It’s not going to fall out of heaven.

What Do You Have In Your House? sermon video audio notes


2 Kings 4:3 Elisha said, Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don’t ask for just a few.

The amount of the oil would only be limited by the number of containers she acquired. She alone could limit God. Only you can limit what God will do in your life. There was not enough equity for us to build a 2600 square feet house, but I didn’t limit God and the money did not run out until the house was built.


2 Kings 4:4-6

4 Then go inside and SHUT THE DOOR BEHIND YOU and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side.”

5 She left him and afterward SHUT THE DOOR BEHIND HER and her sons. They brought the jars to her and she kept pouring.

6 When all the jars were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another one.” But he replied, “There is not a jar left.” Then the oil stopped flowing.

Why was she to shut the door? There are probably several reasons. One reason would be to shut out doubt from doubters and naysayers. We all know to be careful as to what we say, but there is an equal warning about being careful concerning what we hear.

What Do You Have In Your House? sermon video audio notes

Mark 4:24 And he said unto them, Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given.

What we hear affects what we are given. If we hear correctly then more shall be given. Shut the door to doubters. I heard people say that I would never build that house for that amount of money, but I couldn’t listen to naysayers. SHUT THE DOOR!


2 Kings 4:7 She went and told the man of God, and he said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debts. You and your sons can live on what is left.”

God’s purpose is for you to enjoy life to the full. The woman filled every jar that she had. Then, Elisha told her to sell the oil, pay her debts, and enjoy the rest.

God’s plan is not that you just get by. There is a miracle that will take you into the abundant life that God has for you and most likely, God has already put into your possession everything you will need for your miracle. In your house and in your life are the answers to your most desperate dilemma, or to your heart’s desire. EXPECT THE ABUNDANT LIFE.

Many of us could use a miracle today because of a crisis situation.

Some of us simply have a heart’s desire for something we want. There is a MIRACLE IN YOUR HOUSE someplace. What are you waiting for? There is a DIVINE NATURE in you waiting to gather the precious promises of God. There is a miracle in something you already have – bread and fish, the stick in your hand, an old mended cast net, some jars in the corner filled with water, etc. Something is lying under the dew in the darkness and is void. BRING IT TO JESUS and watch what happens. TAKE ACTION, DON’T LIMIT GOD, SHUT THE DOOR, and EXPECT THE MIRACULOUS! THERE IS A MIRACLE IN YOUR HOUSE.

What Do You Have In Your House? sermon video audio notes

How many are going to begin EXPECTING THE MIRACULOUS? Give the Lord a shout and a handclap. Amen!

What Do You Have In Your House? sermon video audio notes

What Do You Have In Your House? sermon video audio notes

What Do You Have In Your House? sermon video audio notes

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