Abraham The Friend Of God: Tested And Tried

Abraham The Friend Of God: Tested And Tried. This series explores the profound relationship between Abraham and God, focusing on the trials and tests that shaped Abraham’s faith. It examines key moments in Abraham’s life, including his call to leave his homeland, the long wait for a promised son, and the ultimate test of faith in offering Isaac. The series highlights how these challenges strengthened Abraham’s trust in God and deepened their friendship. It emphasizes that God’s tests are designed to refine our character, not to break us. The series encourages believers to view their own trials as opportunities for spiritual growth and intimacy with God, drawing parallels between Abraham’s journey and our Christian walk today.

Abraham The Friend Of God: Tested And Tried

Abraham the Friend of God sermon series

Abraham The Friend Of God: Tested And Tried

This series is a 15-sermon/message series. The last message has audio and video.

Abraham Acquaintance Or Friend: How to Embrace Divine Visitation sermon notes

Three times in the scriptures, Abraham is called the friend of God. The Lord would visit Abraham, and then Abraham, through his altar, would visit the Lord. What kind of friend is it who never visits? Surely not a very close friend. No relationship is that way. Relations we bless, and relationships that bless us are those where visitations have taken place.

When The Heathen Rebuke The Righteous: How to Embrace Truth sermon notes

We see a man of God, our father Abraham, rebuked by a heathen, Pharaoh. It is sad when a heathen displays more virtue than a man or woman of God. Often, “Christians” feel they should get special treatment from authorities. No. God will allow them to rebuke the believer. Deception, lying, not keeping our commitments, etc., will bring a rebuke from the heathen.

Irrevocable Decisions: How to Avoid Costly Mistakes notes

Lot’s greed and irrevocable decisions cost him everything. The only items of value Lot was left were his two daughters, who got Lot intoxicated, seduced him, and both became pregnant by their father. The offspring of this became the nations of Moab and Ammon. Neither exist today and in hell. How awful it must be to know greedy, irrevocable decisions can cost a person their home, spouse, children, and descendants.

Abraham The Friend Of God: Tested And Tried

Meeting Melchizedek: How to See Christ in the Old Testament Sermon notes

In chapter 14 Abram meets Melchizedek, experiences the bread and the wine, pays tithes, and is blessed. Not surprisingly, in chapter 15, the Lord God makes a covenant with Abram eight years after beginning his walk.

Covenant Abraham Believed: How to See God’s Bigger Picture sermon notes

At this point, a legitimate covenant was made between Abraham and the Lord. Until now, there had been promises and Abram’s response. No covenant had been made. The covenant answered Abram’s questions and fears, whereas the promises did not. There is a difference between the Lord’s promises and the Lord’s covenants.

Sarai Hagar Abram Dilemma: How to Reconcile After Mistakes sermon notes

Abraham found his life in a very complex situation that became a problem. The predicament began with a good idea that went sour. This situation was not a problem Abraham could easily remedy. In fact, it was a sour situation producing fruit that Abraham would live with until he died. Moreover, it was an unpleasant situation Abraham’s descendants would live with after Abraham had gone. Indeed, it was the Sarai, Hagar, and Abram dilemma. As a result, it produced Ishmael.

Abraham The Friend Of God: Tested And Tried

Almighty Covenant: How to Be Transformed by Faith sermon notes

Precisely as the Almighty Lord invited Abraham into His already existing covenant, which He calls My Covenant, He’s invited us into an already existing covenant—the My Covenant. We, too, have specifics. They will not be the same as Abraham’s or Sarah’s specifics but will be your name-specific. It will be what you are supposed to do in the My Covenant.

Let Us Eat then Sodom – How to Make Righteous Choices sermon notes

Let’s Eat, then talk about Sodom. We can differentiate friends from acquaintances by how we feed them. Friends eat in the living room or at least in a very comfortable setting. It’s ‘Let’s eat!’ We attempt to impress acquaintances. They are fed with fine china and silver and in the most proper way. How are we when the Almighty God appears? Do we kick into King James’ language when He shows up? Do we change everything to impress Him?

We Need A Dream: How to Overcome Dream Killers sermon notes

Scriptures talk about dreaming much. However, we teach about it very little. It’s talked about more than “born again,” prayed, Antichrist, devil, or Satan. However, we have much less teaching and understanding of the Biblical teachings on dreaming. Perhaps it’s like tongues. It’s just a little too ‘spiritual.’ Job says in dreams of deep sleep is when the Lord “openeth the ears of men.” We need a dream.

Abraham The Friend Of God: Tested And Tried

Isaac, We Need To Be Weaned: How to Embrace Maturity sermon notes

A “great feast” was made on the day Isaac was weaned, not when Isaac was born or circumcised. There is rejoicing and laughter when we come to the Lord as newborns. There is great rejoicing when we receive baptism. But when we wean and mature and become able to eat and digest the meat of the Word of God, the Lord throws a party!

Ishmael Mocking Isaac: How to Heal Wounded Blended Families sermon notes

Ishmael’s mocking of Isaac was sufficient to cast out Hagar and Ishmael, but the mocking seems natural. Older brothers mock and tease their little brothers. In what family would this not happen? There must be more to this than given us. What was it? Let’s take a look.

Abimelech Watching – How To Redeem Ourselves To The Lost sermon notes

Abimelech was Abraham’s neighbor. Neighbors are always observing us. They observe how we raise our children and pay our bills. They know about our marriage and observe us taking care of our homes and possessions. Do they like us living close to them? They should. If they do not like us close, there is a problem with our witness.

Abraham and Isaac – The Ultimate Love and Terror Sacrifice sermon notes

In this lesson, we examine the importance of having a spiritual “grove” or place where we consistently seek and commune with the Lord, drawing strength for life’s tests. Reflecting on Abraham’s unwavering faith and his ultimate test of offering Isaac, we see how preparation and obedience are crucial. Just as Abraham’s grove was a source of strength, we must cultivate our own spiritual practices to ensure we can hear God’s voice and pass the trials we encounter.

Death of Sarah: How to Find Hope in Mourning sermon notes

Sarah was 127 years old when she died. After more than 100 years of marriage, Sarah died. After all death parts those whom nothing else could. Leaving Ur could not part them. The lifestyle change from living in a house to living in a tent could not part them. The situation with Sarah and Pharaoh, Abraham’s lying, the events taking place with Hagar and Abraham, Ishmael could not part them, Sarah and Abimelech’s situation, and even Abraham’s taking Isaac to Moriah to sacrifice him did not separate them. Nothing could separate them… until death. It’s a far cry from marriage today.

Abraham The Friend Of God: Tested And Tried

Helping Your Children Find A Spouse – How to Know the One Sermon notes

Helping Your Children Find A Spouse sermon notes. Abraham depended upon a trusted relationship when it came to accepting a spouse for his child. This relationship loved Abraham and loved his son Isaac. Each of us should have people in our lives who love us and minister to us when it comes time to accept marital partners for our children. These relationships love our children and minister to them. There should be people in our lives who assist us in praying for and looking for a spouse for our children. They will keep their eyes out for a good one and warn us of a bad one.

Old Abraham Gave Up The Ghost And Died – How to Die with Dignity sermon video, notes, and audio

The Lord did not “force” Abraham’s life spirit of Abraham from him. Abraham allowed it to go. We know this is exactly what the Lord did on the cross. We know Paul knew his time had come and approached his departure this way. I firmly believe we should fight for every breath as long as we think we should be alive. When the time comes, we, too, should be able to give up the ghost and die to this world.

Abraham The Friend Of God: Tested And Tried

Abraham the Friend of God sermon series

Abraham The Friend Of God: Tested And Tried

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Abraham the Friend of God sermon series notes video audio