Speaking Faith Filled Words sermon

SpSincere Faith Mother's Day audio video noteseaking Faith Filled Words sermon video audio notes

Speaking Faith Filled Words sermon video and audio. We’ve talked about the power of our words, but let’s refresh. Much of faith has to do with the words we speak. Our words have creative power. If you want to know who you will be 5 years from now simply listen to what you are saying …

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Expecting a Financial Miracle sermon video

Expect A Miracle In Your Sickness sermon video and audio. There is a miracle in your sickness. Jesus healed thousands during his ministry. There is a miracle

Expecting a Financial Miracle sermon video. Financial Miracle – Luke 12:34 says ‘For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.’ Where my heart is my finances are also. Obviously, Jesus shows there is an essential relationship between our treasures and our hearts. If I am having financial problems, I first need to …

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9 Favor in the Middle of Trouble

Finding Gods Favor Handfuls on Purpose sermon video and audio

9 Favor in the Middle of Trouble video and audio. (2,650 YouTube views). “THOU HAST GRANTED ME LIFE AND FAVOR, and thy visitation hath preserved my spirit (Job 10:12). Job said he didn’t understand why this was going on and could not understand why trouble happened to him, but one thing he did know. Job knew …

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5 Expect The Favor Of God

Finding Gods Favor Handfuls on Purpose sermon video and audio

5 Expect The Favor Of God video audio notes. (3,815 YouTube views). If you were literally spending a day with Jesus, you would expect some special things to happen. You wouldn’t fear anything, and special things happening would not be abnormal. As you walk with Jesus, when special things happen for you it is no …

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Financial Liberation sermon series

Financial Liberation sermon series video audio notes

Financial Liberation sermon series video audio notes. We go to school to be equipped to earn money. Additionally, we spend forty or more years of our adult lives earning it. Also, we invest countless hours and thoughts in deciding how we are going to handle it. Another thing is we walk through houses, stores, car …

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Spiritual Development in Giving sermon

Financial Liberation sermon series video audio notes

Spiritual Development in Giving sermon audio video notes. We are all traveling through this journey with Jesus. We will all develop to a certain point in the levels of giving. God will bless anything we give to his kingdom, but he desires that we enjoy Financial Liberation. Some of us are at the membership-giving level. …

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Interest Ally or Enemy sermon

Financial Liberation sermon series video audio notes

Interest Ally or Enemy sermon video audio notes. The parable from Luke 19 where Jesus tells about the man who took what God had given him and did not increase it. He could have gained interest. Have you ever wondered how it is those who have gotten more and those who have less lose what …

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Money Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

Financial Liberation sermon series video audio notes

Money Who Wants to be a Millionaire? sermon audio video. God has a Biblical financial money plan. I call it 8-1-1. The plan is to give ten percent of my prosperity to me, give ten percent to the kingdom, and give a third-year tithe to alms. If I will do this during the course of …

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Pillow People to Addict People

Financial Liberation sermon series video audio notes

Pillow People to Addict People sermon video audio notes. One end of the continuum is pillow people who can’t and won’t get off the couch. They won’t work and expect others to take care of them. The other end of the continuum is the earning addict. They can’t stop getting money because of the power …

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Faith sermon series videos audios notes

SpSincere Faith Mother's Day audio video noteseaking Faith Filled Words sermon video audio notes

Faith sermon series videos audios notes. Is faith our believing harder, believing better, believing longer, or is Biblical faith something different? Let’s think about real faith. Faith Sermon Series Page Sermon series on Faith videos audios notes Faith Of God  video audio notes The thought is the faith of God does impossible things. It’s faith …

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