Truth and Evangelism How They Work

Truth and Evangelism How They Work sermon video audio notes. I want you to take a moment and imagine you backslid. You stopped coming to church. You got away for Jesus and truth.

Truth and Evangelism How They Work sermon video audio notes. I want you to take a moment and imagine you backslid. You stopped coming to church. You got away for Jesus and truth. Don’t think too hard about it, but what if you did? How do you think life would go? Would life deteriorate? Would …

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Prayer How It Works sermon

Truth and Evangelism How They Work sermon video audio notes. I want you to take a moment and imagine you backslid. You stopped coming to church. You got away for Jesus and truth.

Prayer How It Works sermon video audio notes. James’ context is the danger of swearing or making deals with God. Instead, be a person of integrity and be a person of prayer. God’s people should say “Yes” when we mean yes and say “No” when we mean no. By being people of integrity, we will …

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Wealth And The Lord’s Coming

Truth and Evangelism How They Work sermon video audio notes. I want you to take a moment and imagine you backslid. You stopped coming to church. You got away for Jesus and truth.

Wealth And The Lord’s Coming How They Work sermon video audio notes. Of what coming was James speaking? What did James mean when he told people two thousand years ago they had hoarded wealth in the last days? James sounded like John in the Revelation talking about Jesus coming soon and quickly. What’s up with …

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Slander And Judging How They Work

Truth and Evangelism How They Work sermon video audio notes. I want you to take a moment and imagine you backslid. You stopped coming to church. You got away for Jesus and truth.

Slander And Judging How They Work sermon video audio notes. It was interesting as I studied this to learn if a person will not repent and attempt to correct his or her slander and judging ways, the Lord will actually give them over to it. He will not stop a slanderer from slandering. He stops …

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Fights And Quarrels How They Work

Truth and Evangelism How They Work sermon video audio notes. I want you to take a moment and imagine you backslid. You stopped coming to church. You got away for Jesus and truth.

Fights And Quarrels How They Work sermon video audio notes. How many of us have seen fights and quarrels in church? Okay. How many of us have been involved in fights and quarrels in church? Aren’t we ashamed of ourselves? We can’t even remember what some of those ‘major issues’ having us so upset at …

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Wisdom From Heaven How It Works sermon

Truth and Evangelism How They Work sermon video audio notes. I want you to take a moment and imagine you backslid. You stopped coming to church. You got away for Jesus and truth.

Wisdom From Heaven How It Works sermon video audio notes. In this passage, James contrasts the wisdom from heaven and the wisdom from hell. There is no other. The wisdom I use in my life or with people is either from heaven or from hell. The wisdom I receive for my life is wisdom from …

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Tongue How It Works – How to Speak Life Not Poison

Truth and Evangelism How They Work sermon video audio notes. I want you to take a moment and imagine you backslid. You stopped coming to church. You got away for Jesus and truth.

Tongue How It Works – How to Speak Life Not Poison video audio notes Our tongue determines our maturity level. James, being somewhat facetious, said if we have gotten to the place where we never say the wrong thing, then we have arrived at total maturity. Not only does the person never say anything wrong. …

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Faith How It Works sermon

Truth and Evangelism How They Work sermon video audio notes. I want you to take a moment and imagine you backslid. You stopped coming to church. You got away for Jesus and truth.

Faith How It Works sermon video audio notes. Out of the gate, James punches us in the nose with a startling fact. Faith only works if it is producing deeds. If I say I am saved, but I am not doing anything in the kingdom of God, I am deceived. Before we go any further, …

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Anger How It Works: How to Change Your Heart

Truth and Evangelism How They Work sermon video audio notes. I want you to take a moment and imagine you backslid. You stopped coming to church. You got away for Jesus and truth.

Anger How It Works: How to Change Your Heart video audio notes. The temptation we look at today is anger. Has anyone ever been tempted by this? James connects this temptation with talking when we should be listening. Have you ever thought about it? People who become angry quickly and excessively are people who are …

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Temptation How It Works: How to Recognize the Bait

Truth and Evangelism How They Work sermon video audio notes. I want you to take a moment and imagine you backslid. You stopped coming to church. You got away for Jesus and truth.

Temptation How It Works: How to Recognize the Bait examines the subtle ways temptation can lure individuals into making poor choices. The article emphasizes the importance of understanding that temptation often appears attractive and harmless, masking its true nature. Recognizing the “bait” involves being aware of one’s vulnerabilities and the deceptive nature of temptation. It …

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