You want Me to Love Who pt 1 Luke 6: 27-28 audio video notes

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

You Want Me to Love Who pt 1 Luke 6: 27-28 audio video notes. Jesus has this crazy notion that people who follow him should love people who hate them. So, have you ever done something good for someone you considered an enemy, for someone who hated you, cursed you, and mistreated you? Was it …

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Living Like God Luke 6:17-16-26 audio video notes

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Living Like God Luke 6:17-16-26 audio video notes. Jesus was preaching about enjoying a blessed god-like abundant full life living like God paralleled with a bad woe life full of grief living like the devil. So, here, to me, is his theme and point: IF YOU ARE A REAL DISCIPLE THIS IS THE LIFE YOU …

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Judas Iscariot – a Special Place in Hell part 2

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Judas Iscariot the Apostle with a Special Place in Hell part 2 Luke 6:12-16 audio video notes. Judas sold out Jesus for thirty pieces of silver (KJV). What would today’s value be of thirty silver coins or thirty pieces of silver (KJV)? It would be about $15,000 on today’s market. Too many today have their …

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Judas Iscariot pt.1 Luke 6:12-16 audio video notes

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Judas Iscariot pt.1 Luke 6:12-16 audio video notes. He has a special place in hell. How many have ever been betrayed by someone you trusted and loved? How many have ever betrayed someone you trusted and loved? I’ve been on both ends. I’ve been Judas. I suspect you have too. A person can be called …

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Apostles James Simon Judas son of James Luke 6:12-16

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Apostles James Simon Judas son of James Luke 6:12-16 video audio notes. These are actually James son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas son of James, not Judas Iscariot. The point somewhat uniquely special with James the son of Alphaeus is his obscurity. There just isn’t anything specifically recorded about him. We don’t have …

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Apostle Matthew and Apostle Thomas Luke 6:12-16

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Apostle Matthew and Apostle Thomas Luke 6:12-16 audio video notes. Matthew, also called Levi, was a tax collector when called by Jesus. Tax collectors (KJV – publicans) were hated and despised by everyone, not only Jews. You would have hated them too. The reason is they were dishonest and mean people. What is the first …

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Apostle Nathanael: How to Recognize Jesus Luke 6:12-16

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Apostle Nathanael: How to Recognize Jesus Luke 6:12-16 audio video notes. What’s Nathanael’s question? It was, “How do you know me?” Jesus knew him because of the fig tree. Have you seen a fig tree? Have you ever attempted to get under a fig tree? It’s not like sitting under a pine tree. I mean, …

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Apostle Philip Don’t You Believe Luke 6:12-16

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Apostle Philip Don’t You Believe Luke 6:12-16 audio video notes. “Philip, get out of your rule book and believe. Stop attempting to figure everything out and believe me. The miracles and the evidence are overwhelming. If you can’t believe I am of God then at least believe the evidence. Your analytical pragmatic mind can come …

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Apostle John Truth and Love Luke 6:12-16

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Apostle John Truth and Love Luke 6:12-16 audio video notes. Apostle John is known for two things – Truth and Love. How special is that? How many of us desire a spouse characterized by truth and love, and how many of us desire friends characterized by truth and love? Also how many of us want …

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Apostle James a Son of Thunder Luke 6:12-16

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Apostle James a Son of Thunder Luke 6:12-16 audio video notes. These were the apostles closest to Jesus – Peter, James, and John. Apostle James was on Peter’s team – the first team. Apostle James enjoyed a very close relationship with Jesus and was present in the more private times of Jesus, yet we don’t …

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