Apostle Andrew Brought Him to Jesus Luke 6:12-16

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Apostle Andrew Brought Him to Jesus Luke 6:12-16 audio video notes. How did Apostle Andrew die? It is said he led the wife of a Roman governor to Jesus. Imagine that! However, it infuriated her husband. The governor demanded his wife recant her allegiance to Jesus Christ. She refused, so the governor had Apostle Andrew …

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Apostle Peter Do You Love Me More Luke 6:12-16

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Apostle Peter Do You Love Me More Luke 6:12-16 audio video notes. How much do you love Jesus in comparison to others? Have you ever analyzed this thought? Actually, do you love him more than your job or business? Do you love Jesus more than money? How about your time, your family, your marriage? Where …

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Simon Peter Was He Simon or Was He Peter Luke 6:12-16

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Simon Peter Was He Simon or Was He Peter Luke 6:12-16 audio video notes. We learned the twelve were divided into three groups, or three teams, of four. Each group had a leader. Simon Peter was the leader of the first group and also, as we will see, the leader of the twelve. Philip was …

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Apostles Ordinary Men Chosen Luke 6:12-16

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Apostles Ordinary Men Chosen to be Extraordinary Luke 6:12-16 audio video notes. The apostles were very ordinary men chosen to do something extraordinary. No one had ever done, or was ever asked to do, what Jesus asked them to do. They were uneducated and unimportant nobody’s chosen to spend time with Jesus. That’s how God …

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The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6: How to Be a True Disciple

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6: How to Be a True Disciple – audio video notes. There are nineteen messages, I think, for this chapter. Why so many? In all my years of ministry, I never studied each apostle. So, I took the time to do it. Each apostle of Jesus Christ was unique. We …

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The Sabbath Good or Evil Luke 6:6-11

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

The Sabbath Good or Evil to Save or Destroy Luke 6:6-11 audio video notes. Jesus flagrantly broke their Sabbath day observances. He was not a Sabbatarian and that position contributed to his execution. Jesus did not applaud the Sabbath day observances. Instead, he took a defiant position and assaulted them. With those thoughts in mind, …

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Sabbath Day Petty or Pertinent Luke 6:1-5

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Sabbath Day Petty or Pertinent Luke 6:1-5 audio video notes. Which one of the Ten Commandments are you consistently guilty of disobeying? You might say, Well, #3, #4, #9, #10… But, the one I want to focus on is the SABBATH DAY. Maybe you think Sunday is the Sabbath day. No. The Sabbath day is …

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Traditions Patches Wineskins Luke 5:31-39

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Traditions Patches Wineskins Luke 5:31-39 audio video notes. Jesus used unique illustrations to communicate how he was not going to include their religious traditions with his gospel. Jesus is unique. His gospel is unique. His kingdom is unique. Everything about Jesus is unique. Christianity is unique to any other religion. It stands alone. It will …

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How Low Will Jesus Go for Sinners Luke 5:27-33

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

How Low Will Jesus Go for Sinners Luke 5:27-33 audio video notes. This was an evangelistic dinner celebrating Matthew Levi’s new life, given in honor of Jesus. Who did he invite? Religious people? No, that would not be any fun and they wouldn’t come anyway. He gathered everyone in his world made up of tax …

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PhDs Pharisees a Paralytic and Jesus Luke 5:15-26

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

PhDs Pharisees a Paralytic and Jesus Luke 5:15-26 audio video notes. Do you know any “paralytics”? Do you know people with a paralyzed life? Or, do you know people with a paralyzed marriage, paralyzed family, paralyzed by addictions, paralyzed by sin? Religion rejects them. Jesus wants to heal. Are you carrying them to Jesus, or …

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