I Will Follow You Jesus Oh Really Luke 9:57-10:2

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

I Will Follow You Jesus Oh Really Luke 9:57-10:2 audio video notes. We say, Lord, I will follow you wherever you go. I will do anything you ask me to do. Oh Really? The Lord says. What we don’t realize when asked by the Lord to do something, or when making a promise to the …

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Destroy Them Luke 9:51-56

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Destroy Them Luke 9:51-56 audio video notes. Once I, a pastor, became so embittered I wanted a similar thing to take place on someone. I wanted God to destroy them, burn them up, gone, dust, evaporated, and no children. “God hit them in the jaw. Break their teeth out” (Psa 3:7) Break their arm (Psa …

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Who Will Be The Greatest Luke 9:43-51

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Who Will Be The Greatest Luke 9:43-51 audio video notes. They were not arguing about who was the greatest. They argued about which of them would be the greatest. Human nature is amazing. Jesus shared a major emotional moment of his impending betrayal leading to the horror ahead and the disciples take his statement as …

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Disciples Could Not Luke 9:37-44

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Disciples Could Not Luke 9:37-44 audio video notes. They failed to drive out a demon. They tried and tried. How many demons did Jesus give them power and authority to drive out? All demons, yet they failed. Have you ever failed as a disciple and follower of Jesus? I certainly have. When I fail ministering …

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Transfiguration into Another World Luke 9:28-36

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Transfiguration into Another World Luke 9:28-36 audio video notes. There is a transfiguration into another world for all of us. If you seriously pray with Jesus in a mountain-type experience, you will experience transfiguration. You may see things and hear things unspeakable. You may see Moses and Elijah. Also, you have an opportunity to glow …

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Kingdom of God Will Come When Luke 9:26-27

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Kingdom of God Will Come When Luke 9:26-27 audio video notes. Jesus told his disciples, I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God. The kingdom will come when? Either there are two-thousand-year-old men walking around, or Jesus came again bringing the kingdom …

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Christ of God Two Questions Luke 9:18-25

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Christ of God Two Questions Luke 9:18-25 audio video notes. While Jesus prayed with his disciples he asked two questions. Who do people say I am? Who do you say I am? Peter said, You are the Christ of God. Have you ever been praying and felt God asked you questions? I have. Actually, I …

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Five Loaves of Bread Two Fish Luke 9:10-17

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Five Loaves of Bread Two Fish Luke 9:10-17 audio video notes. This section is about ministering to people 24/7. It’s about finding a way to bless and minister to people even when we seem inadequate and what we believe God is asking us to do is impossible. I want to say, that many of you …

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Who Is This Luke 9:7-9 audio video notes

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

Who Is This Luke 9:7-9 audio video notes. Herod asked speaking of Jesus, Who is this I hear such things about? What a pertinent and significant question! Question meaning, go on a quest to discover the answer. It’s a question every person should ask. It’s an old question, but new every day. Every day someone …

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