Cheek Turning in the Kingdom – How to Save Relationships

Storm Rock and Sand

Cheek Turning in the Kingdom – How to Save Relationships audio video notes. How do we respond when someone challenges us? How do we respond at work when the supervisor instructs us to do a job that isn’t our job? What about when we do something nice for people? Do we want something in return? …

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Honesty in the Kingdom – How to Tell the Truth

Storm Rock and Sand

Honesty in the Kingdom audio video notes. It was interesting to me how it was to the most religious society in history to which Jesus addressed dishonesty. Religion doesn’t cause people to be honest. The reason is honesty is not a religious problem. Honesty is a heart problem (Mat 15:19). Honesty, or the lack of …

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Marriage in the Kingdom – How to Avoid Divorce

Storm Rock and Sand

Marriage in the Kingdom audio video notes. I need to ask you a question, and you must answer it in your heart. I do want a response. Is divorce lawful according to the Bible? Yes! Is divorce a sin? It is not a sin, according to my Bible. No place in my Bible does it …

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Morality in the Kingdom – How to Avoid Lust

Storm Rock and Sand

Morality in the Kingdom – How to Avoid Lust audio video notes. You have heard thou shalt not commit adultery, but I say… What they had heard was sexual fantasies were acceptable as long as they were not carried out. They heard that it was okay to reduce a person to a sexual fantasy as …

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Murder in the Kingdom – How to Avoid It

Storm Rock and Sand

Murder in the Kingdom – How to Avoid It audio video notes. Jesus taught about murder in the kingdom. Jesus quoted the sixth commandment in this first: ‘You have heard… but I say. Thou shalt not kill.’ What’s wrong with the commandment? Nothing is wrong with the commandment, but what they heard was I can …

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Kingdom Righteousness – How to Major on Right Living

Storm Rock and Sand

Kingdom Righteousness – How to Major on Right Living audio video notes. Jesus’ kingdom does not major on laws and commandments. It majors on righteousness. I know this is true because of what he said. Matthew 5:20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the …

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Salt and Light – How to be Christ’s Instruments

Storm Rock and Sand

Salt and Light – How to be Christ’s Instruments audio video notes. We are salt and light to the earth. We preserve flavor and spice and brighten the earth. Christ’s followers are to flavor life. We make people thirsty for God. We are the light of the world. Yes, we bring light into darkness. We …

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Heart Attitudes – How to Heal Our Hearts

Storm Rock and Sand

Heart Attitudes sermon notes. During the adventure of life, each of us will have an opportunity to forgive someone who has stabbed us. We must forgive. Not forgiving is like the broken-off point of a knife working its way to our hearts. It will not injure the person who did the stabbing; it will only …

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It Begins with Attitudes – How to Live a Blessed Life

Storm Rock and Sand

It Begins with Attitudes – How to Live a Blessed Life audio video notes. The next few lessons are about our attitudes toward life. Our attitudes take us into the kingdom or keep us out of the kingdom Jesus came to give. The Sermon on the Mount is Jesus’ teaching about his kingdom. More specifically, …

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Jesus Liar Lunatic Lord – How to Determine Which He Is

Storm Rock and Sand

Jesus Liar Lunatic Lord – How to Determine Which He Is audio video notes. People were anxiously excited at the time of the Sermon on the Mount. There was a buzz of anticipation about a young minister named Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus had been teaching all around the region about the good news of a new …

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