Angry Spirit – How to Overcome Rage and Bitterness

Angry Spirit

Angry Spirit – How to Overcome Rage and Bitterness audio video notes. People do the craziest things when they lose control of their spirit. Have you ever seen a little toddler through a temper tantrum? Have you ever seen someone become so angry that they hit something like a wall? I remember my aunt getting …

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Disciplined Life – How to Develop Spiritual Disciplines

Angry Spirit

Disciplined Life – How to Develop Spiritual Disciplines audio video notes. Successful people set the bar high, and then all through life, they live the delayed gratification disciplined life principle. They constantly eat the cake and later enjoy the frosting. Life is sweet to disciplined people. There is constantly some frosting to eat because the …

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Stronghold War – How to Demolish Fortresses of the Mind

Angry Spirit

Stronghold War – How to Demolish Fortresses of the Mindr audio video notes. Paul said we should realize we are in a war. The enemy is out to destroy us by building a stronghold in our lives. The stronghold can be a habit, a sickness, drug addiction, lust, perversion, greed, rebellion against God, lack of …

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Hungry for God – How to Experience Holy Spirit Baptism

Angry Spirit

Hungry for God – How to Experience Holy Spirit Baptism audio video notes. I was recently at a great church preaching a seminar. Many people there were hungry for God, but there were many other members not hungry who should have been hungry. Many were leaders. I believe people in leadership should keep themselves hungry …

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Filled with the Spirit – How to Live Empowered

Angry Spirit

Filled with the Spirit – How to Live Empowered audio video notes. The apostle Paul needed to instruct first century believers to be filled with the Spirit. These were believers who actually received ministry from the apostles who walked with Jesus. Still Paul needed to tell them to be filled with the Spirit. Obviously we …

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Change by the Spirit – How to Embrace Spiritual Disciplines

Angry Spirit

Change by the Spirit – How to Embrace Spiritual Disciplines audio video notes. Is there at least one thing you would like to change about the person sitting next to you? If you are sitting next to someone, then there may be something about you the person beside you might like to see change. THE …

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