Scriptures Tell Us To Remember audio 

Abraham and Isaac

Scriptures Tell Us To Remember audio. The Bible encourages remembrance. The Lord said, “I will remember my covenant with you.” Deuteronomy 8:2 tells us to And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness. The New Testament tells us to remember Lot’s wife (Luk …

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This Present Darkness audio

Abraham and Isaac

This Present Darkness audio. We are at war now. Don’t wait for Armageddon. Though they wrestled nearly 2,000 years ago we wrestle with those and more today. The church must arise and give Jesus Christ be seen as the only answer to today’s darkness.  This Present Darkness Audio Some This Present Darkness Teaching Scriptures All …

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Has The Church Ran Out Of Wine audio

Abraham and Isaac

Has The Church Ran Out Of Wine audio. Does the sadness and hopelessness in the body of Christ bother you? It does us. Judy Young shares about this. People have lost their strength because they’ve lost their joy. Judy used the story from Nehemiah and the event where Jesus made wine to relate the truth …

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Prayer And Fasting 2 audio

Abraham and Isaac

Prayer And Fasting 2 audio. The Scriptures talk about twenty different types of fasts. Most people do not realize that. Also, people do not realize all the issues doing this act of righteousness will accomplish. This message takes a look at several fasts and what the fast accomplished. Prayer And Fasting 2 Audio Some Prayer …

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My Ministry Evaluation audio

Abraham and Isaac

My Ministry Evaluation audio. Every pastor needs to be evaluated. We are voted on every week by people in the seats and by people’s giving, but beyond these people need to be questioned. It is good to hear what the congregation says positively and negatively about the pastor. This is an evaluation we had done …

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Harvest Field Sowing Reaping audio

Abraham and Isaac

Harvest Field. Jesus told his disciples to stop saying we’ll save souls one day. Souls are ready now. We’ve never located our fields. Also, we must plant seeds for the crops we desire. Similarly, we can harvest what someone else planted. Then we can rejoice together. Harvest Field Audio Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive …

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Wages And Fruit Of The Harvest audio

Abraham and Isaac

Wages And Fruit Of The Harvest audio. Obedience is better than sacrifice (1Sa 15:22). Yet, faith eclipses obedience or sacrifice. Faith is obeying God and expecting Him to do what He said He would do. Faith is this simple. Wages And Fruit Of The Harvest Audio Some Wages And Fruit Of The Harvest Teaching Scriptures …

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I Pray Not For The World audio

Abraham and Isaac

I Pray Not For The World audio. Jesus usually prayed alone. He also said He didn’t pray for the world but did for those who received His word. We don’t want anyone to hear about what we really need to pray about. Jesus said when you do go into your closet. Get alone because what …

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It Does Not Matter Where We Worship audio

Doctrines Of Christ audio

It Does Not Matter Where We Worship audio. It is important where we go to church. Jesus said to worship Father is spirit and in truth. We can worship any place. What we can’t allow ourselves to do is drink of bad/false doctrine in a church not teaching truth. It Does Not Matter Where We …

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Mysteries of Faith: The Unseen Holy Thing Revealed

Christmas Communion Audio

Holy Thing audio. The angel told Mary she would birth a “holy thing.” Mary birthed a son, but was he a man or was he God? Sometimes he looked like his mother and sometimes he looked like His Father. He would be the firstborn of many holy things. Greek word hagios from hagos (an awful …

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