Armor For Boldness audio

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

Armor For Boldness audio. Paul said when you prayed for him pray he had boldness. We are in a war with darkness and we have weapons, but what are these weapons? Paul gives us a list. However, simply putting on the weapons doesn’t do anything. We must utilize the weapons given us. Armor For Boldness …

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Are We Worthy? audio

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

Are We Worthy? audio. Matthew Chapter 10 talks about what Jesus expects and describes as being worthy. Jesus placed expectations on disciples, followers, houses, and even cities. It’s very alarming.  I’ve thought about how awesome and powerful it would be to sit under the teaching and voice of Jesus Christ. It was/is so alarming people …

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Offering in One Accord audio

Offering in One Accord audio

Offering in One Accord audio. Evangelism depends on staying up in the Spirit. The first-century church in the Book of Acts did this by staying in one accord. This message takes a look at the ways to do this. Offering in One Accord Audio Genesis 4:9-5 3 And in process of time it came to …

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Evangelism and Eschatology audio

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

Evangelism and Eschatology audio. We must include an understanding of Scriptural end times with our outreach in bringing people to Christ and into the kingdom of God. The problem is we’ve been taught man’s doctrines from books and not the Scriptures from the Scriptures. Evangelism and Eschatology Audio John 12:31-32 31 Now is the judgment …

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Evangelize Now audio

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

Evangelize Now audio. There is a “nowness” in God. Unless we know the God of “now” we may never know the God of then. Evangelizing is not getting someone to pray the “sinner’s prayer.” Evangelizing is when a person’s soul is changed. Evangelize Now Audio John 1:1, 12 1 In the beginning was the Word, …

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Eschatology Times audio

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

Eschatology Times audio. There are times (plural) in God, and there are segments within the time. A problem people have is confusing what will terminate this age with a previous age. What will end this age? Will it be burning the earth with fire? Could it be a nuclear explosion? If not what? Eschatology Times …

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Confronting Change audio

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

Confronting Change audio. Any time a person of change comes along they will face confrontation. Jesus faced it head-to-head. Change doesn’t come easily. So, how do we bring the kingdom of God without confrontation? We don’t. Then how do we handle it? The Spirit of God is a Spirit of change. Whatever the Spirit of …

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Sons Of God Sons Of Hell audio

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

Sons Of God Sons Of Hell audio. Often the person saying, “You are deceived,” is  the very one deceived. However, no one believes they are deceived. Jews said Jesus deceived the people. Yet, they were the ones deceived. And, when they heard Him teach they marveled and questioned how Jesus knew so much. Jesus answered, …

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If Evangelism Depended On You Would Heaven Or Hell Be Full?

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

If Evangelism Depended On You Would Heaven Or Hell Be Full audio? This is the question the Lord asked me. Jesus teaches us how to reach religious people far from God in John chapters 3 and 4. After clarifying statements from a previous week, we began looking at John 4. If Evangelism Depended On You …

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Evangelism Endure Sound Doctrine audio

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

Evangelism Endure Sound Doctrine audio. Without evangelism we are not a ministry. There is an easy way to talk to someone every day about Jesus. I’m a little mean in this message, but it’s to rattle religious minds. Church has become a system of motions and not a place where people are developed to have …

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