Offerings Of Cain And Abel

Offering in One Accord audio

Offerings Of Cain And Abel. Giving an offering that matters to God and gains His respect requires faith. Abel gave his sacrifice in faith. Cain gave his in the process of time. When the Lord is in our process of time and not our priority and given our first fruit things do not go well …

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Pharisees Wolves And Vipers audio

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

Pharisees Wolves And Vipers audio. Jesus and the apostles warned again and again about Pharisees and deception. Why is this so important? These people will take us to hell. Instead of making followers of Christ they make people followers of themselves and what they are – twice the sons of hell they are. Pharisees Wolves …

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Pharisees Today audio

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

Pharisees Today audio. Jesus warned His followers to beware of the teachings of these people. These people pull us down even into hell, so Jesus taught and gave a detailed picture of hell. One day those in glory will look across and see those they missed ministering to in hell. Pharisees Today Audio Matthew 16:6-12 …

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Giving My Offering audio

Giving My Offering audio

Giving My Offering audio. Deuteronomy Chapter 26 actually gives an outline about how God’s people are to bring and give their tithes. It’s an interesting passage and contrast to how we give today. Giving My Offering Audio Giving My Offering 1 Corinthians 14:15 What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I …

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Child Grew And Became Strong In Spirit

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

The Child Grew And Became Strong In Spirit audio. Baby dedications are special. I believe a child’s name is of the Lord. Some research can reveal much about the child. I look at the Greek and the Hebrew in an attempt to learn as much as possible. The Child Grew And Became Strong In Spirit …

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Personal Preparation For Pentecost audio

Personal Preparation For Pentecost audio

Personal Preparation For Pentecost audio. Jesus told those at His ascension to go and get ready to receive the promise of the Father – the Holy Spirit. We take a look at what they did to anticipate and prepare to receive. 1) Saw Jesus ascended. 2) They prayed. 3) They replaced a void in leadership. …

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Dragon Desires To Devour Your Child audio

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

Dragon Desires To Devour Your Child audio. Revelation 12 speak of Jesus Christ, but it also speaks of your child. From the time your baby is born until you or the child goes on, you are in a warfare unlike any other battle you enter. The child must be caught up into the heavenlies. Dragon …

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Out Of The Mouth Of Babes And Sucklings audio

When We Do Not Pray For Our Critical Relationships Audio

Out Of The Mouth Of Babes And Sucklings audio. Children have little if any inhibitions. Adults are full of inhibitions, and we adults are full of them. Jesus, Isaac, and John the Baptist was name. Abram was changed to Abraham, and Sarai was changed Sarah. Names are important to the Lord. Out Of The Mouth …

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People In Crisis audio

Purpose Of The Church audio

People In Crisis audio. Today people search for a church where they can be touched and receive ministry. People don’t go to church to be fed. They go to be healed. We all meet people in crisis every day. These people are easy to find, and they are easy to minister. The master sent his …

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Purpose Of The Church audio

Purpose Of The Church audio

Purpose Of The Church audio. Jesus said go find the the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind. The emphasis must shift from doctrine that divides to people who matter. What is the real reason the church is here? Is it to get people saved so they can go to heaven? I …

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