Contagious Christian Part 5 Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Contagious Christian Part 5. What is being a Christian? Does the Scriptures make it clear the only way to come to God is through Jesus Christ? We look at the 4-major points of the Gospel message. We watched a presentation of the Gospel on video then practiced on each other how to help someone come …

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Faith Receiving Releasing Fighting Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Faith Receiving Releasing Fighting. What is faith? How do we receive it and release it? How do we use it to fight the good fight of faith? Without faith, it’s impossible to please God. Faith comes by hearing the Rhema word of God. There is a premium on hearing God’s word. Faith Receiving Releasing Fighting …

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Get A Door Of Utterance Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Get A Door Of Utterance Audio. It’s amazing how much the Apostle Paul prayed. Prayer was the primary issue in his life. How was he able to accomplish all he did? He prayed. Prayer should be the apex for each of our lives. Paul told, not asked, the churches to pray. There’s a prerequisite to …

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Salvation What Is It Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Salvation What Is It Audio. It is not so we can go to heaven. It’s so we can have an abundant life. This teaching is not taking your heaven away. It is saying some are not saved. Because we are going to heaven does not mean we are being saved. Saved and going to heaven …

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Drama And Mime Preaching Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Drama And Mime Preaching audio. The use of these in a message is beyond description. The Lord God used them over 25 times in the Scriptures. We find them in the Old Testament and New Testament. Jesus came to seek and to save THAT which was lost, not only who was lost. Drama And Mime …

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Grace That Saves Teaching Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Grace That Saves. What is God’s grace? It will change your life. Grace will cause us to find our purpose. It works into us salvation. It will cause us to work. We do not work for grace, but we work because of grace. Grace That Saves Audio Ephesians 2:8-10 8 For by grace you have …

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Oppressions Of Taxes Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Oppressions Of Taxes Audio. Christians should pay their taxes. However, we must understand taxation by a nation is oppression. When the government taxes its own people the people become oppressed. Oppressions Of Taxes Audio Matthew 17:24-27 24 When they came to Capernaum, those who collected the two-drachma {tax} came to Peter and said, “Does your …

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God’s Thinking About Engagement Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

God’s Thinking About Engagement. Vows have not been made. It’s a time between dating and marriage. No contract has been made. It’s a time of being positive that this is the person I choose as my mate for life. First, don’t date someone you would not spend the remainder of you life with. Engagement is …

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God’s Thinking About Dating Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

God’s Thinking About Dating Audio. Do you remember how it was when you were young and dating? Parents forget their attraction and curiosity when they dated. Relationships with the opposite sex are one of the most driving forces in life. There’s a strong drive in every human. There is also temptation. God’s Thinking About Dating …

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Training Our Children By Discipline Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Training Our Children By Discipline to do right. If we wait until the child does wrong to discipline we’ve missed the point. We should train all the child’s life to do right. Teach the child the boundaries. Train the child to be dedicated to doing right. Get the child dedicated to the things of God …

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